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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 1922

Anonymous 1923

Yeah more or less. Not on this site though.

Anonymous 1924


Is this site more sexually conservative than me or more lewd? Reading around it seems anons here are far on one side of the spectrum or the other.

Anonymous 1925

No this site just seems to really like gentle femdom for some reason. I think most posters are also reasonably conservative, but that comes with the territory.

Anonymous 1926


Honestly, you seem pretty normal.
This was fun though thx.

Anonymous 1927

what's JOI/SI?

Anonymous 1928


JOI is jack off instruction, not sure what SI is…

Anonymous 1929

Why would any women be into JOI? Seems like a lot of work and effort and you get no pleasure out of it.

Anonymous 1930

>why would anyone be into <insert pretty much any dominant thing>? Seems like a lot of work and effort and you get no pleasure out of it.
What a dumb question.

Anonymous 1931

I wouldn't consider JOI dominant, it's more of a service topping thing.
>oooh tug at your wiener this exact way you like!
No women would genuinely like that bullshit. I don't know why the standard of dominant for women is considered servicing and doing all the work for men to get off, while you'd never hear dominant men do the same shit for women. Even then, it's still all about how they get off.

Anonymous 1932

I'm >>1926 and you're right, I'm into it because I'm more of a service top. Sadistic, but a service top nonetheless.
In general I'm more sexually interested in other people than I am in my own pleasure or being touched, sometimes even against it altogether. It's probably some weird hangup from growing up an ugly fat girl but still having a crazy sex drive, I just end up projecting all of my interest onto the object of desire. Hmm.

It is dumb that all dommes are expected to be like this though, I often see complaints about it.

Anonymous 1933

>you'd never hear dominant men do the same shit for women. Even then, it's still all about how they get off.
If you lurk on really any forum where men talk about sex, you'll eventually see lots of posts about how they think sex is too much work and they feel like they're just doing it for their partner. It absolutely goes both ways because surprise surprise, lots of submissive people are lazy.

Anonymous 1944


I’ve had men that I’ve been intimate with actually tell me that sex is too much work. Honestly a big reason I’ve been forced into more dominant roles in sex in past relationships is they’re too lazy to take charge so I do it for them
this is where my love of teasing and bullying a guy in bed until he stops being lazy and takes what he wants comes from

Anonymous 1960

>until he stops being lazy and takes what he wants
How does that even work

Anonymous 2561

There is no way you are a woman.

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