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What does an orgasm actually feel like? Anonymous 2088

What the post title says. I'm not a virgin, but I've never actually had one. My boyfriend always looks out to stimulate me enough but I get so overwhelmed I just want him to stop. I have trauma related to grooming and have never been on good terms with my sexuality, so I've never properly masturbated before (meaning that I've never managed to get an orgasm, but I've tried before). It's still kind of shameful for me.
Also, how does one into successful masturbation? I would ask this on the nsfw board, but it has even less activity than this one.

Anonymous 2089

I literally check /nsfw/ every day, it's my favorite board. In my experience, everything tends to get replied to, unlike in /feels/.

Anyway, it feels like a very pleasurable pulsing sensation radiating from your genitals throughout your body. Sometimes it doesn't radiate as far if it's a smaller orgasm.

Orgasms feel different depending on what is being done to you. Oral gives me a different orgasm than penetration does, as does the orgasm I get from masturbation.

You don't need to not wear clothes to masturbate. I find it most pleasurable when I lie down on my stomach, bunch up a blanket, and grind on it focusing on the area near my clitoris through some cotton pajama pants. You might find it more pleasurable to grab the general area instead of just flicking your bean as is popularly shown in porn (for me, I cannot orgasm at all from that, my clitoris doesn't pop out of its good even when I'm aroused because it is a smaller one). You can also try shower heads near your vulva.

Hopefully, this serves as a sufficient starting guide. Let me know if you have any more questions or if you want more in detail answers. It is possible you've had orgasms but aren't aware they're orgasms.

Anonymous 2090

Do you get a shivering sensation from it? Every time I'd say I was 'near' it, I was shaking as if I was cold, but I really wasn't.
I'll try what you wrote down. Iif you don't mind, could you give me more detail on that "grabbing the general area part"? I seriously have very little idea about all of this.

Anonymous 2091

Stop thinking and just "let go".

That's creepily-worded, but I've noticed that it's harder to orgasm when I'm focusing a lot on getting there. It makes me tense and it stunts it more than anything. Relaxing my muscles and clearing my mind is what lets the bigger ones start.

If it's smaller, it'll feel like a pulse with a small rush of pleasure. If it's big, your pelvic floor will wind up contracting on its own and you can feel the rush a lot farther up your body. Shaking is pretty normal, but not everyone does it.

Being relaxed and comfortable is really important if you're not super secure in your sexuality yet. Remember, you're having sex to have fun and feel good. Go at your own pace and don't feel pressured to finish right then and there. See what you like. Try moving your hips in different ways. Compare the different ways your bf touches you. Try domming. There are so many different things to try out. See what interests you.

As for fapping, I usually lie face down and stick my hands down my pants. Then I press down on the clitoral hood and use my body weight to increase the pressure and fantasize about getting fucked. It does make my hands ache after a while though. It really just boils down to touching your junk in a way that makes you feel good and thinking about something sexy that you like. I don't get BIG orgasms from this, but it helps me sleep and takes the edge off.

I also use a vibe sometimes, but the results with that are inconsistent.

I got a question if that's ok. I got my vibe, but when I use it and get to the point I'm about to orgasm, I get stuck with one of two options. Either I relax and get overwhelmed (so I always wind up stopping it on my own), or I force myself through it and only get small orgasms at most. I've hit that sweet spot a few times, but do you have any ideas on getting it more consistent? I'm a singlevirginlmao, so I can't just bypass it by getting someone else to do it for me.

Anonymous 2092

I did not know there was a nsfw board, thanks.

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