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Boy butts Anonymous 2096

Curious as to what others think about them, post and discuss. Always thought it's interesting how different they are from women's

Anonymous 2097

They are the best and a gift from our Greek god overlords.

Anonymous 2098


I like them. I don't even mind if they're hairy/bear butts

Anonymous 2099

This exact thread with the same image was posted on r9k yesterday. Report and move on. Generally threads like these asking for opinions on some part or kind of men are moid posts.

Anonymous 2100


I LOVE BOY BUTTS ! They're just cute and comfy. My boyfriend has a bigger butt than mine and I still can't believe this is possible (both of us aren't overweight)

Anonymous 2101

LOL Nah GIRL BUTTS are better. You must be tripping niiggga. Boys are built to be Flat. While girls have bigger asses ok? YOUR BOYFRIEND MOST WEAR A HELL OF A LOT OF UNDIES.

Anonymous 2102


I'm sorry but this is the truth ! He does indeed have a fat ass! and since I'm a skinnyfag, I have a smaller ass compared to him.

Anonymous 2103

Pics or it didn't happen

Anonymous 2329

1942069 - Kazuichi…

I only like fictional boy butts.

Anonymous 3089


Anyone have an aversion to using dildos/strapons on your qt despite being fine with putting your fingers in there?
I've always felt that that was just silly, but I can understand being uncomfortable with "having" a dick, even if that's just a misplaced fear.

Anonymous 3090


Fingers are better because you can be flexible with them and quicker. Just rub the g-spot aka were the prostate and the semnial vesicle are from the insde the butt.
I have found that this is by far the most pleasure racoons can experience if you also suck them off or fap them while doing it. They will twist and moan in ecstasy, if your bf doesn't do this tell him to make noises because its hot.

If pretty sure that with that technique and going fast without tease or anything no moid can last even 10 seconds. But that would be lame, just a thought.

Hands are just the best "Tool" for sex really and for both moids and us. They are just the most versatile option so I don't blame you. Strapon can hurt him if his ass isn't used to taking bigger objects, we know the ass can stretch and it gets used to it but is it really worth it? Nah, not 90% of the time. What you already do is the ideal get good at it.

Anonymous 3091

>If pretty sure that with that technique and going fast without tease or anything no moid can last even 10 seconds. But that would be lame, just a thought.

If = I'm*

Also I would like to add that since this is the highest bodily pleasure they can experience, maybe one should save that for the end as a finishing touch or idk depends on the mood. They explode and their mind goes numb I swear, their toes curl up, their boybutt tenses up and feels tighter when they orgasm too. It's that good of a technique to try out in your racoon.

Anonymous 3096

>Fingers are better
sounds like you should work on your thrusting technique

Anonymous 3102

As long as you're not shoving stupid monster dildos up his ass you're not gonna put him into diapers prematurely.
Just don't go past the second sphincter inside and he'll never have a leaky ass or whatever you're worried about.
I used a Clone-a-Willy on his own, a nice 7ish inches replica of his meat. It's very hot seeing him it.

Anonymous 3284

Artist doesn't understand how a male torso works.

Anonymous 3375

maybe not but its good looking regardless.

Anonymous 4763

>she still didnt post

Anonymous 4784

what do you recommend exactly?

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