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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 2274

Do fat men push harder?

Anonymous 6220

Goddamn I want to fuck a fat guy so bad… ;_; (not super fat, just chubby enough)


>Because he was heavier than my current boyfriend, he could slam his dick into me at those optimal spots perfectly. I'd have amazing orgasms every time.
Hnnnngh please let this be true
I dunno why but the thought of being almost crushed by a heavy dude makes me go crazy.
I lost my chance to fuck one last year, he was so tall and also chubby but he was super cute too and was in love with me, sadly some stuff happened and I had to stop pursuing a relationship with him. I used to regret it a lot more than now though.

Also sorry for "necrobumping", I was looking for this thread specifically because I've been horny for fatties lately.

Anonymous 6229

How does a fetish like that happen? What's the appeal? I don't have it myself but i've had friends who were also into chubby or even fat guys and I never understood the appeal

Anonymous 6230

I wish I knew. I just know that I've been attracted to chubsters since elementary school.
Maybe it's because they look soft, big and huggable? Maybe it has something to do with my preference for slightly unmasculine men, since their bodies don't have defined muscles and such, and their faces are rounder and softer (no, I don't like just any chubby man). Maybe their size has the same overwhelming effect on me as a tall guy's height? I just know that I find them real cute. Also I've hugged at least 3 of them (that I can remember because I liked them) and each and every time it was super comforting. I feel the urge to grope their belly and chest but that's probably got to do with my affinity for being dominant and it's a recent development in this fetish of mine.

Anonymous 6680

Fat men are repulsive

Anonymous 6717

No, they're lazy.
That's why they're fat.

Anonymous 6895

I fucked a chubby dude once and he just got real out of breath very quickly. They make you do all the work, do not recommend.

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