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400 IQ - Exploiting nofap Anonymous 2320

Like grandma used to say "keep his belly full and his balls empty" but is that really true? Note the nofap and coom memes, they are about not overdoing it on the coom. There's something going on there with channeling sexual energy and basically we should be the ones doing the channeling. A lot of focus is put on the male orgasm but what can we do with the power of nofap?

Anonymous 2321

nofap is about no masturbation, not "never cumming ever". basically sex is fine, if not even the logical goal of nofap.

are you suggesting that a heterosexual relationship with less sex/orgasms is healthier? because that's pretty untrue, unless the dude is into chastity

Anonymous 2322

Please don't associate Ai-chan with degenerate shit.

Anonymous 2335

the purpose of sex is to have children

Anonymous 2336

And the purpose of eating is to stay alive. Does that mean we should never eat for pleasure? That subsisting off base ingredients is somehow more noble than enjoying cooked meals?

Anonymous 2353


the point is, that to regularly have children a man has to ejaculate once every 9 month
semen is the life essence of a man
keeping it makes him strong

Anonymous 2545

>semen is the life essence of a man
I'm pretty sure it's not since it's literally made to be ejected. Are you sure you're not confusing semen with blood?

Anonymous 2546

>she doesn’t make her boyfriend ejaculate blood
Uhhhhh should we tell her?

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