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Eating Ass Anonymous 2338

I feel degenerate because I love my ass being eaten. My boyfriend originally said he never wanted to get involved near that area, but he knew I once had the experience before and liked it. The thing is, I don't like anal, or at least all my experiences with it in the past which were heavily pressured/rape. Am I trash for liking my ass being eaten? Is it more normal than I think? My boyfriend went from eating me out in the shower to now just doing it out of nowhere because he says he loves my reaction. I am glad he's doing this with me, I'm pleasantly surprised, but also nervous because I feel gross for liking my ass being eaten. I feel like I should return the favor (because I want to), but I don't know how to bring that up.

Anonymous 2339

What does it feel like? do you return the favor?

Anonymous 2340

I think it feels amazing. I've never been a fan of oral even though I can cum from it, but for whatever reason, my ass being eaten feels amazing, it's a different kind of pleasure. My bf is understanding that you need to be good at licking and such, not so much shoving one's tongue in. It's like a very soft, wet feeling near something sensitive, but studier than when you're being eaten out.

I haven't returned the favor yet. I once could tell my boyfriend was afraid of me fingering him, but having ass being eat is different, so it might be okay with him.
>tfw cute skinny shy bf, too

Anonymous 2341


Another case of Overton's window shifting from "X: unacceptable" to "X: sensible"
Blow jobs were unacceptable, then have become policy
Nude selfies were unacceptable and frowned upon, and are now so common it's ridiculous
Video: Bullying in progress

Anonymous 2342

I understand the concept, but I've never pressured my boyfriend into this, ever. I only happened to mention I liked it having only experienced it once. But I have always been very respectful of my boyfriend's boundaries. He's always been the one to initiate eating my ass and I have never asked because I don't want to pressure him, even though I enjoy it.

Anonymous 2343

Why are pickles inside those shoes anyway?

Anonymous 2345

Anonymous 2355


What's the taste and smell like?

Anonymous 2369

I'm curious about this as well but too embarrassed to ask anyone irl =-/

Anonymous 2376


like poo

Anonymous 2378

I don't think thats true. People wouldnt rim anyone if it really tasted/smelled like poo.

Anonymous 2379

Most likely sweaty skin then

Anonymous 2403


More pictures if you don't mind.

Anonymous 2404


Anonymous 2405


Anonymous 2419

OP here. Now that I've done it to him, it tastes kind of like kissing a mouth. It's not like kissing random skin, it has a specific taste to it.

This is so hot. Next time I see him I'm going to play around with a blowjob and then end it by rimming him like this.

Anonymous 2439

Does it smell bad tho?

Anonymous 2441

Not at all

Anonymous 2455



Anonymous 2456

Yes. Yes.

Anonymous 2457


Anonymous 2458


Anonymous 2460

Post close-up with tongue visible, pls.

Anonymous 2461


Like this?

Anonymous 2462

Yes. ツ

Anonymous 2463


Very well then

Anonymous 2468


Anonymous 2469


Anonymous 2472


Anonymous 2489


Anonymous 2501

Hmm not sure about the scenario here

Anonymous 2507

but what if they haven't showered beforehand? even if they wipe there's still gonna be shit there

Anonymous 2532

…anon fix your diet and install a bidet and/or use wet wipes. what the fuck. maybe YOU have shit on your ass, but don't speak for the rest of us. I can shove a toy right up there and it comes out clean enough to eat off of.

I love when guys eat my ass. My asshole is built for being licked by men.

Anonymous 2535


Anonymous 2536

Wet wipes are fucking terrible for toilet plumbing, one day your pipe is gonna back up with years of old poo wipes clogging the tube. Just use a bidet

Anonymous 2537

My boyfriend ate my ass, took a break to wash out his teeth, and then with the lube of that thumbed my ass while he pressed his hand up against my clit. It's a great night and I'm high, everyone needs a guy who will will do this. My boyfriend at the beginning of our relationship said he didn't do ass play (never done it before) and he slowly turned into assplay because he loves seeing my reaction.

Anonymous 2699



Anonymous 3662



Anonymous 3720

I'm never gonna fix my diet, but prebiotic fiber supplements like benefiber will do the trick for most people.
just spit in the paper.

Anonymous 5490

>tfw I'm into having my butt eaten or at least I think about it often
>but #1 am kissless hugless handholdless virgin loser
>#2 even if I had a bf he'd probably think it's weird or gross

Anonymous 5513

Why is it such a hassle to find decent guy eating girl ass smut online? Whenever I look for it it's the girl who's eating the butt. With the way so many men are insecure about gay stuff I'd think the porn wouldn't focus so much on having their assholes licked, and that they'd prefer being the ones to do the licking…

Anonymous 5519

>Whenever I look for it it's the girl who's eating the butt.
Really? WTF I thought more men loved seeing fat female ass being eaten than women eating an ugly guys' ass (humiliation fetish?).
Anal porn has a lot of male-to-female ass eatin', I think.

Anonymous 5520


Anonymous 5522

>I can't breathe!

Anonymous 5523

I don't get it either but yeah it's a bit more harder to find, at least for me. Girls getting their asses licked exists out there, but I end up coming across more girl on girl than guy on girl, which is what interests me. And if you're looking for guy on girl rimming in female POV it's almost impossible.

Anonymous 5526

I've found some nice gifs of hot guys fucking that I used as reference for something I was drawing, and some of them were labeled "female-friendly". Maybe there's female POV in that "genre"? There must be a "female POV" tag as well even if there's very little content.

Anonymous 5527


>take a deep breath now then

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