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Is this the best vibrator? Anonymous 2348

Does anyone have any experience with the Hitachi magic wand? everyone says it's the best vibrator, feels like magic and makes them cum several times. I want to get the best vibrator money can buy, but I don't really enjoy penetrating ones (no vibrating dildos pls)

Anonymous 2349

I honestly don't even understand how to use them. They look so clunky and awkward to me in appearance and in use. Sex is clunky and awkward to others, though

Anonymous 2350

from what ive seen in porn it looks like you just push it against your vagoo and clit area and the vibrations do the rest

Anonymous 2352

shove it all the way up your ass for best effect

Anonymous 2363

OP here. i bought it. it's really good.

Anonymous 2375


Will it work on a girl?

Anonymous 2377

you mean a prostate buttplug? idk, maybe. it might only be a fraction as rewarding as one shaped for your genitalia

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