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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Would You Rather Anonymous 2354

Would you rather:

1. Have an impractical, unrealistic and apparently male-exclusive sexual interest, of the lifelong rather than acquired variety, this apparently universally masculine sexual pattern and alienation from all femininity gnawing at your sense of human dignity leaving you questioning whether or not you're actually "meant to be male."

2. Have a realistic sexual interest with a significant and apparently healthy population of women, and significant content created by and for women, which interest happens to be extremely shota-adjacent and perceived as such by society at large. So you have actual human beings to communicate and commiserate with about your shared loathesome, socially unacceptable interest, but despite being sure you're not into it for pedophilic reasons yourself, you will always have a sinking suspicion that many of those women whom you have confided in and been emotionally/socially supportive of in the face of this socially unacceptable interest may in fact actually be legitimately British.

Anonymous 2358

Just tell us what happened OP.

Anonymous 2366

Is option 1 weird fetishes like inflation/balloons/transformation/etc.?
And I assume option 2 is fujoshit.

I'd choose 2 since I've already been a fujo with a preference for femboys (and legit shotas…but I was underage at the time). It was an okay time in my life, though I prefer being the flaming bisexual with female preference that I am currently.

Anonymous 2786


Anonymous 2816

I’ve read this two times and I don’t understand what you mean.

As for your picture, I can’t believe Alaska hasn’t cum since 2017

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