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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Chastity THREAD Anonymous 2357

Anonymous 6581

only moids should be locked.

Anonymous 6598

>since girlhood
But how does she pee? Is pee stored in the vagaga?

Anonymous 6674

Pee is stored in the clit

Anonymous 6681

imagine him opening that thing, and all the accumulated crust of ancient periods and unwashed yeast caking just sliding down her tighs like peanut butter… yuck…

Anonymous 6716


This 1000% seems like a weird and shitty moid fetish. One man drew that image, another captioned it. Both jacked off to tradwife "purity" cringe.

This too. Complete and utter failure to understand how female anatomy works. :^) She would've died from septic shock before adulthood.

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