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help Anonymous 2359

to get straight to the point: i am really fucking hairy. just all over, but i can deal.
problem is i don't know what the fuck to do with my pubic hair. one of my main problems is it grows in such a way that i can't masturbate comfortably when it's growing, because for a long time it's way too stubbly.
at the same time i don't like shaving it completely. i don't usually get ingrown hairs or anything but it's just annoying.
if it gets too long it grosses me out. but as i said, stubbly
i think i just have fucking crevices in my crotch that it grows into. wat do
also i'm worried about my boyfriend eating me out with pubic hair. from what i know it's usually not a problem with many people but i've not really asked since we're long distance lol
sorry if this is a dumb post i never talk to anyone about this

Anonymous 2360


Don't worry about that and tell him what you feel you need to tell him

Anonymous 2361

well, we had discussed it before i made the post, and he said he doesn't mind
also i wish i could rock pubic hair like that but i have roastie labia so it looks bad no matter what anyway

Anonymous 2362

have you considered waxing? i think the bigger issue is how it affects your self confidence during sex

Anonymous 2364

Isnt that the chick from lolcow, not sure what her name is but i feel like i seen her on there.

Anonymous 2365

i'm not too big a fan of waxing, though admittedly i've never tried it on pubes.
my self confidence issues honestly come from labial shape and i'm trying to see if i can get my pubic hair in a way that frames it nicely? i'm very particular. it's something to experiment with
i was shopping around for some trimmers or similar, i think i'm going to try trimming and cleanup with a razor.

Anonymous 2367

i think it's lia roux (unsure of spelling), she's a very pretentious french hooker. from everything ive seen online of her she seems absolutely intolerable to be around, but men keep paying so

Anonymous 2368

honestly very few men actually care about the look of your vagoo, the ones that do are just disproportionately vocal about it online while the ones who don't are too busy getting laid.

Anonymous 2370

very true, i think the vocal ones ruined my self confidence a bit, on top of me always thinking it looked weird as a kid lol

Anonymous 2371


Can you get the hair really short by using an electric clipper?

Anonymous 2372


Trim it

Anonymous 2373

any recommendations? i don't have one at home

Anonymous 2374


Anonymous 2387

No one actually cares about labia shape. The whole roastie thing is a made up joke, and most guys are not on 4chan and have never even heard of it.

Anonymous 2435

Yeah men don't really care either way about labia because it's not a sexual target for them. They don't look at it in sex. Scientists have done studies on what the sexes find attractive, and men generally prefer to look at the "shapely" parts of a woman ie breasts, hips, butt… then things like hair and feet… but vagina barely come up at all apart from a minority of fetishists. I think labia one of those things many women tend to think about the vulva is focus of their pleasure in sex, so they instinctively assume men care about it a lot, like how men get pleasure through their dick so they obsess over their penis size and whether it curves left/right etc etc, and assume women are caring about such things
My mom got a labiaplasty (against my advice and as I understand it her husband's) and she says she likes how it looks now but it was very painful. I can imagine… I would recommend you stay away from anything like that

Anonymous 2437

Based post, never thought about it that way (that the sexes are more concerned about where they themselves derive pleasure from)

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