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Anyone of you gals managed to make a male squirt? Anonymous 2397

I recently discoverd the mechanism of female squiring from /u/.Apparently even if they peed before stimulation ,their bladders were filled before the squirt.
Some googling led me to find that the Japanese publishted the first medical article on male squirting

Anonymous 2399

This sounds like some hentai bullshit fam

Anonymous 2400

I remember a girl on lolcow said she made her bf squirt. The trick was to keep having sex with him after the first ejaculation with techniques like anal stimulation and pompoir to reduce the refractory period. She also said it was possible to push a man into multiorgasmic, screaming orgasm territory. It just requires taking him past what he thinks his limits and barriers are, and going through at least one round where his erection/ejaculation are painful for him and he's begging to stop.

Personally I thought that sounded like yaoi fantasies.

Anonymous 2402

Alright, well to get scientific about it: I believe that cum is made out of two things: the sperm cells themselves (which is what gives it that white gooey viscosity) and seminal fluid, which provides the liquidity. After consecutive ejaculations in a short period of time, it may be that the concentration of sperm cells decreases, skewing the ratio towards more seminal liquid and making the subsequent ejaculations more “watery”.

However, I don’t think “squirting” as it’s portrayed in porn is real, and I don’t think that male squirting is essentially piss on a chemical level. Personally I’ve seen some porn videos where a man is forced to cum multiple (3+) times and the fluid always seemed to have some white color and texture

Anonymous 2407

Er testicle only contribute to few percent of cum volume and squirt is dilute urine + other chemicals, i have saw male squirt videos with clear liquid

Anonymous 2408

Clear as in clear semen? Or clear in the way piss is clear? Also post those videos, I’ll try to find a few that I’m referencing where the guy is forced to cum multiple times

Anonymous 2409


If this video gets taken down, it’s Ella Kross and picrel thumbnail

Anonymous 2410

Anonymous 2411


Anonymous 2412


Anonymous 2413

Anonymous 2414

Anonymous 2415

Anonymous 2416

I appreciate the links but I still have no reason to believe that’s not the typical JAV over acting

Anonymous 2431

You can tell pretty clearly whether it's piss or precum. Precum has a more viscous texture while urine is obviously like liquid. Interestingly the study OP links is funded by Tenga (the company that makes high-tech flashlights). Amazing that you can be jacked off by a "female assistant" for the sake of science. I wonder whether the rectal probe changes the results at all, because it might be pushing on the prostate. I wonder also whether it's just very liquidy cum, which is what happens when a guy has came several times and has been edging too. My boyfriend says when he edges long enough he gets these strong "waves" in his prostate when he comes but it doesn't happen otherwise

Honestly I wonder how much of this is women trying to impose their understandings of their own bodies onto men. Gay dudes do the same thing, they talk about how they "get wet" when they're horny even though the ass doesn't lubricate

btw op:

Anonymous 2447

Well, that’s not precisely what I meant when I said each sex tries to impose its own experience on the other. The actual analogy to be made with squirting is that men who fetishise it do so on the basis that it’s the woman’s equivalent of a man’s shooting semen, essentially an expulsive act, which intuitively is something men can understand. Another example is how men jackhammer women in sex, presuming that what feels good to the man must feel good to the woman—it’s not that he’s being selfish and using his partner as a fleshlight, he genuinely assumes that what feels good for him must feel good for her, as if the experience of sexual intercourse was the same for men and women, only inverted—symmetrical. So you misunderstood what I meant
Also there is some evidence that squirting is urine so it’s not an unreasonable thing to say, although there is evidence either way. Anyway

Anonymous 2451

We thank Mr Kenta Satoh, Mr Masanobu Satoh and Ms Arisa Nakano from TENGA Healthcare Inc. for invitations of the volunteer and the assistant in the study. Support for this study was from institutional sources only.

Anonymous 2512

Which post?Sounds fun

Anonymous 2516

>sign up as a test subject for a Japanese sex toy company experimenting on men to see if they can force a man to orgasm so many times he pisses himself
This reads like a hentai plot

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