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Anonymous 2518

Creampie, impregnation, and similar

Anonymous 2519

Genuinely, what does it feel like? I have the image in my head that it is absolutely the best feeling I could physically experience, especially if it's done with the purpose of having a kid but i'm a complete virgin outside of a guy fingering me once.

Anonymous 2520

Like pouring warm water, I imagine.

Anonymous 2530

you can't actually feel the cum. you can feel the penis throbbing and whatever actions the man is taking (usually pulling you closer, clenching, or having a muscle spasm.) cum is about 1 tsp of body-temp creamy fluid going into an already creamy wet place. you will notice it only when he pulls out and there's a lot of extra cum all over the place. but no it isn't hentai, you can't feel a bunch of jizz shooting into your womb, anon. it's very underwhelming, and it smells bad too. you know a vagina is pretty hard to wash out. my girl cum smells nice but boy cum always stinks.

Anonymous 4401

I've only ever had protected sex but when he finished inside I definitely feel it in addition to the throbbing, it is very warm.

Anonymous 4905


I've had a serious problem, when the time comes, I'd die before I'd let a man come out.

So how does it feel? Sometimes you can feel the cum, sometimes you can't but in the end it's pretty subtle. What you actually can feel is his cock pulsing inside of you, and your pussy usually by instinct starts to contract around it. This happens straight after his cum enters you, and I like to prolong the ordeal and feel every pulse possible. After the act, it doesn't feel so good anymore and you'd probably want it all out asap, which is natural.

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