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How to cum with a partner Anonymous 2538

I never cummed with a partner so far, I always fake it. I have no trouble when I'm doing myself. I read some stuff on google but they were mostly bullshit advice. What do?

Anonymous 2539

Teach/tell your partner what makes you cum and how? Dont expect him to magically know.

Anonymous 2540

Not OP but what makes me orgasm is my elaborate, fully immersive imagination, roleplaying it would require a movie set. We don't have the money for that.

Anonymous 2541

I think masturbation might be a problem for you.

Anonymous 8783

usually my partner pleasures me first and right before i cum he thrusts harder and we cum (roughly) at the same time
I usually take a long time (20-40 minutes) but he is amazingly patient, loving and strong in that regard
i think what you really need is to know how to stimulate yourself and to have your partner assist you in foreplay and stimulation, and for him to be willing to wait and to basically be on edge for a long time

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