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clit Anonymous 2576

Why is it that my clit is either too sensitive at the center or i feel nothing when i rub it? i cant rub my clit cuz most of the time i feel jack shit.
I used a vibrator just recently and the same issue popped up

Anonymous 2577

idk lol

Anonymous 2578

pls halp

Anonymous 2581

maybe you aren't aroused psychologically? my boyfriend says when he's not turned on touching his foreskin just hurts because it's too sensitive but when turned on feels good. can't say i've experienced the same myself, but i presume women could have the same phenomenon. do you feel relaxed when you try and touch it

Anonymous 2590

I don't know if I should be telling you this or not, but you first and foremost should have your nails cut in order to not your little bean and you should be able to study some biology on the clitoris in order to know how it works; same with your hooha.
For example, a good piece of information is that the clitoris is literally just a nanopenis that needs blood circulating in it in order to feel good; of course, it is also very different from that but the principle of the need of real physical arousal still applies.
Don't become another fucking cutting-tits tranner for knowing this small fact though.

Anonymous 2602

It disgusts me how people frame clits as nanopenises, but not the opposite.

Penises as overgrown, cancerous clitorises.

Anonymous 2621

The penis is the intromittent organ and has a reproductive capacity though

Anonymous 2630

I wish my clit could shoot, like, a single sperm cell at a time

Anonymous 2631

One really big sperm cell? Or one normal-size one? Because men are producing millions an hour–shooting just one will not impress

Anonymous 2639

If you're having trouble masturbating, don't touch any part of your vagina, instead find a fantasy you like and really think about it. SLowly run your hands over your body and enjoy yourself, and only actually start masturbating when you can't restrain yourself any longer.


Women are more fertile right after they orgasm

Anonymous 2644

>Women are more fertile right after they orgasm
The evidence for that is very limited. It's more likely the female orgasm and clitoris are both vestigial and nonadaptive. The clitoris can be seen as a "spandrel".
If orgasms did confer an evolutionary advantage, then why is there a genetic basis for anorgasmia (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1617159)? Only 1 in 10 always orgasm. This does not mean the female orgasm is insignificant or that women shouldn't enjoy sex with men–that's a value judgement which you can't derive from a discussion of evolution. It's just like how men have nipples which serve no fitness-related function (yet nipple stimulation of a man still releases oxytocin)

Anonymous 2650

Just one but with extremely high velocity, like a sniper rifle

Anonymous 2666

Sounds dangerous !

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