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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 2746

What does it feel like to have the minge lips pulled out like that?

t. virgin

Anonymous 2765

It is a mystery.
But I'm pretty sure you don't feel them that much since the pleasure of getting fucked by itself overrides the feeling of getting that part of the body pulled.

Anonymous 2769


What does it feel like to get fucked?

Anonymous 2770

Lamer than getting finger banged or rubbed while making out. It's slower and sweaty but doggy style is a good position tbh I think that one or missionary (because of the kisses) are the best ones.

Anonymous 2773


It's over-rated?

Anonymous 2774

It's never over rated to do sexy things with a significant someone you love but by itself the physical act by itself yes it is very over rated. Penetration is lame. You do it simply because you want ur qt racoon to feel good while you feel good as well and share that private lovely empathetic moment together this alone is what makes it better.

But you should never give a free pass to your kitty to a selfish cumbrain moid that skips all the romantic foreplay. If he be like that stop him in his tracks, if he insists kick him in the nuts and leave. Love is a game of two.

Anonymous 2780

Do you have a license for this much Stacy energy

Anonymous 2782


Try your best to be beautiful superficially and internally. Up your make up game, if you need rhinoplasty get it, act innocent or assertive more assertive to cute but dumb and shy moids you have to explicitly tell shy moids you would like to know them better otherwise they don't get it ever, they are so dense. It's worth it, it's definitely worth trying it.


Anonymous 2817

Is that picture the one GFD poster on Reddit with the Asian bf?

Anonymous 7631

do boys like it if your minge grips their pp's like that

Anonymous 7632

I've only had one guy comment on it, and he said it was hot to watch when we did it doggy. That was actually nice to hear, I'm a little insecure about my labia.

Anonymous 7634

do you need to have a special kind of minge to be able to do this

Anonymous 7635


Look at how the butthole is pushed back and forth, she must be getting some nice tingles.

Anonymous 7650

i'm new here so i don't get it. why do mods censor explicit pics? isn't it one of the perks of having a hidden nsfw to be able post explicit pics?

Anonymous 7654

I think when this thread was made it wasn't that big of a deal but the admin's standards for this board have changed ever since. I'm pretty sure that when this old thread had just been bumped a few days ago (I saw it) the OP pic wasn't spoilered. And CC is very anti-porn in general, especially anti-male porn. To be honest when I saw the unspoilered pic I was kind of disgusted.
Also if you're the one in the horny thread who posts in the /aco/ thread. How did you find this site? I'm concerned about it having been mentioned on 4shit, a place where moids are everywhere, it could mean that more of them are going to be posting here. And this site already had a bad reputation of being full of males roleplaying as women, not to mention the risk of getting raided more often

Anonymous 7655

Because I was lurking 4shit that day in /cgl/ randomly and it was pure coincidence that /aco/ was being advertised in one of the banners so I clicked it and there was that thread at the top and I recognized some posts. Nothing there linked back to here but I just remember some of the characters posted there have also been posted here. Pure luck.

Anonymous 7660

First off, why just click on a banner advertising a porn board?
Second, at least I'm glad you saw our thread at the top. Same thing happened recently to another anon but on /h/.
And even though I think a couple of people here other than me might post on both here and that thread, it's not necessarily the same people who have posted, say, Majima or Bruno, those are extremely popular characters and I doubt the exact same husbandofags are on both sites.

Anonymous 7694

Well you see, this website was made for us women to express ourselves free from patriarchal pressure and expectations, so now we're free to act like proper and prim Stepford wives and talk about how much we hate porn because obviously only moids and their handmaidens would like porn, and of course if you disagree you're a moid yourself.
>Posting porn in the porn board
Scrote logic.

Anonymous 7704

This isn't "the porn board", read the fucking sticky.

Anonymous 7711

why call it the nsfw board then?

Anonymous 7722

Your brain is so fucking fried by porn that you think it's a synonym for "not safe for work", lmao.
You don't want people at your job looking at your computer screen and seeing a whole discussion about your vagina or what kind of thing makes you horny. That's NSFW

Anonymous 7773

I couldn't diagree more. I really do not like it when he goes poking in there with his fingers.

I also don't like foreplay and 90% of the time I hate kissing, my bf has big lips and it gets way too sloppy. I always tell him to start fucking already.
Also, slower? lol? How is having sex slow? You need the dick to move fast if you want to cum

Anonymous 7774

moid larp or gay

Anonymous 7775

This, but you have to say it kinda was before.
I won't deny I miss the imagedump threads (since every other place with actual porn is filled with moid shit), but since I know it's an addiction and it's not good for me, guess that's a plus after all.

Anonymous 7778

the vast majority of people at work aren't gonna stop by to read the these tiny letter posts

Anonymous 7813

>people at work can't see certain words like "fuck", "sex", "penis", "cum", etc. when they take a quick look at your computer screen
Yeah sure.
Fuck off already retarded newfag

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