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LDR sex Anonymous 293

Does anyone have experience with Internet of Things sex toys?

My bf and I have been looking at LDR sex toys, the ones you can control via app. I like the idea of him teasing me physically from across the globe. I found a few sets that include a male masturbator (basically fleshlights), but I'm not sure if I want him to blow $$$ on sex toys that may bug out or not connect to the app and piss us off more than anything.

Specifically I've looked at
Tempting, but the hot pink is ugly as sin)


Wearable is a plus, but I'd never use the audiobook feature)


This has the best reviews,is a wearable and adjustable (if you pick the Sync) and I like that you can put in your own vibration patterns, I think he would have fun with that as he is a techy geek who likes electro music and it'd be like DJing my orgasm lol. But there's no male equivalent for him to enjoy.

Anonymous 644

I'd buy this if I had money to spare and I know my partner would enjoy it too since we are long distance right now. Bumping this thread to ask if anyone uses this or what things you do with your ld partner.

Anonymous 921

>no male equivalent
put it up his butt
Put It Up His Butt

Anonymous 952

My BF and I had one when we were long distance. It worked great to get things going but I would definitely recommend getting a small dildo to go with it. My only complaint is that some times with the app you need to have your phone very close to it

Anonymous 957


>mfw this is actually a thing
ehhh…??? I unironically don't know what to say.
Now imagine two people going even further and using vr goggles and some touch feedback suits idk.
wtf I feel like my mind just expanded right now

Anonymous 958

kek, thanks for the laugh anon.
The future of sex is now

Anonymous 1050

Does anyone know what this reaction image is from? It looks funny.

Anonymous 1051

Italian Spiderman

Anonymous 1110

I'm OP but kind of forgot about this thread, oops!

Anyway, my boyfriend got us the set with the vibrator and fleshlight. The vibrator is really powerful in the way that it feels like it's a blender inside of you. Really weird. It's also super huge, so it takes some prep to even fit in. I'm a bit of a size queen and couldn't really enjoy it because it felt like getting my insides tossed. It was kind of like a forced orgasm because it's so intense and the clitoral + vaginal stimulation is overwhelming. I haven't used it again since then, to be honest.

My boyfriend's experience with the fleshlight is similar, he said its vacuum is too harsh and it's kind of robotic and weird.

Anonymous 1114

I've noticed that this is a problem that I have with a lot of sex toys these days, too. Like I've never thought of myself as overly sensitive but a lot of the ones I've tried are just way too harsh. I thought the Hitachi was supposed to be amazing, for instance, but when I actually tried it I hated it because the only two settings are 'high' and 'sandblaster'. It's literally so rough on my clit that it makes me numb and I can't enjoy anything afterwards.

Anonymous 1135

I have a soft towel that I put my hitachi over to help spread and dampen the vibrations. It took me a few sessions to figure out just how it's used: most orgasms from clit stimulation for me feel almost like they're getting 'pushed' outward but hitachi orgasms feel like they're getting 'pulled'. It's not a very good explanation, I know, but i hope it helps!

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