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Anonymous 3031

I've only ever been interested in men romantically and sexually irl. I have no desire to date or sleep with women. Yet, I absolutely hate men in porn, it turns me off so much, and I only watch lesbians.
Why do I do this? Is this weird? Do anyone else here do this?

Anonymous 3032

I have a small thing for girls but I'd say I'm 90% interested in men

But yeah I'd do the same, it's either lesbian porn or hentai for me.
I have noticed that lesbian porn tend to be less horribly rough compared to even the gentler straight porn.
I don't really wanna watch a girl gagging on a dick for 10 minutes then getting annally ducked for another 20

Anonymous 3033

It's because most porn is aimed at moids since they are so porn addicted. But there is romantic porn out there is just that its hard to find.

For example:

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