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hypnosis Anonymous 3455

tfw no boy to hypnotize. Hypnosis thread?

Anonymous 3464

oh fuck yes, just started reading about this stuff. haven't had any subjects yet but I know someone who could be a willing guinea pig over voice or video chat as soon as I feel up to it.

anyone who needs an entry point into this subject, make sure to pirate this ebook: http://libgen.rs/search.php?req=mind+play+mark+wiseman

Anonymous 3467

>slowly condition a moid
>give him trigger words to slip into a trance
>make him obedient and on his knees
>he now loves massaging you and dressing nice, obeying everything you tell him to do and begging to wear his collar

Anonymous 3472

finally took a real step into hypno materials lately and made some concrete progress. today I woke up and could just FEEL something more tangible about how the mind responds to suggestion. I could talk to myself in domvoice and make myself do things, almost like a functioning person. I wish I'd gotten into this stuff years ago.

my casual reading and listening accumulated into insights, which were refined in my increasingly immersive fantasies into something almost like a skill. I started to get a sensibility for how to touch someone without touching them, how hypnosis-like experiences are on a continuum with other intimate activities, it was pretty great even though I haven’t stress-tested these supposed newfound abilities yet. this post was the turning point (getting good at petting cats!) where I started to get what it was about: https://www.reddit.com/r/EroticHypnosis/comments/hpz11k/heres_a_list_of_things_that_will_help_you_get/

I can't wait to try it out on someone for real.

Anonymous 3473

I just want someone to snap their fingers and make me their slave, while I’m still consciously aware of everything happening of course.

Anonymous 3486

My fantasy is to use hypnosis on my completely straight boyfriend and slowly condition him into becoming bisexual. Probably impossible in real life but still.

Anonymous 3487

Also appreciated if anyone knows any stories or hentai about sexuality change. It's hard to find.

Anonymous 3489

Why? Do you like that control or are you fetishizing gay?

Anonymous 3491

I think it's because I like personality change, which is about control for me. And changing someone's sexuality is a personality change in a very deep level.

Anonymous 3514

I pretended to be hypnotized for a guy. I ended up twerking for him and staring at a spiral gif for 20 minutes so it was an okay time.

Anonymous 3515

how did this go down? was he just like "can i hypnotize you" and you were like "yeah sure" and it didnt work?

Anonymous 3518

I've been trying to learn this stuff for a while, and I've found some of the best resources are female hypnotists on youtube with small channels who aren't doing anything porny. I jumped straight into the porny stuff at first and it was just too intense, there was some stuff in it that worked for me but it was too much of a gap to bridge from everyday life. the clean hypnotists ease you into it a lot more so you can get more of a feel for how suggestion works and how it could potentially be ramped up to do more.


just simple little things like this. it's not super impressive but I can feel how it's a little bit effective on me and could be more fully effective on a sub who meshed with it a little harder, and I can pay attention to what they're doing and think about how you'd get through to someone in a live session and what things you could do with them that they'd find easy and enjoyable.

Anonymous 3519

It was some random guy on an anonymous messaging app, I actually brought up hypnosis and he started sending spiral gifs. Maybe hypno actually works?

Anonymous 3524

hypnosis is very real and if you aren’t careful you’ll probably get conditioned to crave it

Anonymous 3724

Anonymous 3826

I never actually thought someone would make a thread about this. Hypnosis and specifically being put in a trance is something I really love, it's a mind melting experience if done properly and with enough reinforcement you can get some really fun effects. As for whether or not hypnosis is "real", I'd say it definitely is, though it's ability to affect the unwilling who don't want it to work just to spite the concept never get to enjoy the fun. I had to convince my boyfriend to get into hypnosis as it wasn't his cup of tea, but once he took it up, he seemed to enjoy how happy it made me feel. I would definitely recommend it to anyone curious, though, I know very little of the dom perspective personally.

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