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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 3456

i'm so sick of men begging me to do butt stuff. Literally annoying af

Anonymous 3457

Giving or receiving?

Anonymous 3458

Both tbh. They beg to do anal with me, and i've had some beg to peg. Both annoy the fuck out of me

Anonymous 3459

I've always wanted to try it but haven't found a guy comfortable with it, maybe we could swap?

Anonymous 3461

Ok, but what does it mean if a guy doesn't want to try anal and is turned off by blowjobs?

Anonymous 3462

If he's also into eating you then he's a based malesub

Anonymous 3466

God I know and the worst part is they shriek like little bitches if they get some shit on their dick or on their tongue. Like no shit Sherlock (pun intended) the hole that shit comes out of may contain shit. If a guy ever asks me to do anal or to eat my ass I’m gonna shit on him on purpose so he never asks for it again.

Anonymous 3468

Are they really hard to find? Didn't know they were demanded otherwise I'd had put a chain to my ex.

Anonymous 3469

>beg me to peg
God I wish that were me.

Anonymous 3488

just don't date a porn-addict

Anonymous 3512


You never put a finger in your ass before during masturbation?

Anonymous 3516

Literally one of the first things I started doing after I started masturbating as a kid. I was like 'things go in this hole, maybe things can go in the other hole'.

Anonymous 3567


Anonymous 3880

>I’m gonna shit on him on purpose so he never asks for it again
Careful what you wish for he might like it

Anonymous 6289

Gemmy gem though

Anonymous 6291


Go on…

Anonymous 6292

I have yet to met a man who wants to be pegged. If this is a common occurrence for you maybe it's a you problem.

Anonymous 6296

I wouldnt be so quick to put the blame on her
Its probably where she lives that may have a very bad breed of moids

Anonymous 6297

nice gem sister

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