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can you use the morning after as contraceptive? Anonymous 3492

taking it multiple times day after day

Anonymous 3495

Depends. Ulipristal acetate can only be taken once per cycle. Levonorgestrel can be taken multiple times per cycle. So maybe levonorgestrel would work. But why would you? Just because you can doesn't mean you should. Morning after pill is a reproductive nuke.

Anonymous 3496

I can't visit my gyno

Anonymous 3497

You have to get contraceptives from your gyno? In any case falling back on barrier methods like condoms seems wiser and much, much cheaper. If you're on hormonal contraceptives for other reasons like period pain control, skin condition control, etc. then substituting a morning after pill won't work.

Anonymous 3510

No, you'd be taking a huge amount of hormones and your pharmacist would eventually recommend you stop and take the pill. Plus, it would be incredibly expensive (it's €50 where I live). Plan B is supposed to be for emergencies only.

You don't have to go to a gyno to get a prescription for the pill, just go to your GP or if there's some kind of personal reason as to why you can't go to your GP, check if your local area has some kind of women's centre. Look into getting an IUD/coil/injection which will last longer.

Is there a reason you asked this? You sound quite young and I want to make sure you're protected.

Anonymous 3649

abortion is murder and evil. please just dont.

Anonymous 3853

plan b isnt abortion.

Anonymous 3872

It's not recommended. A dumb friend of mind did it 3 times in about a week and had to get a prescription for it from a clinic each time. After the first time they had to check with the doctor the next two times. They didn't seem happy about it.

Btw, the morning after pill will fail if you have already ovulated.

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