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erotic fiction Anonymous 3498

Does anyone else here write porn or know of a good place to post it online? Sex stories are included as well. It's my hobby now when I'm bored and horny and I'm wondering if there are any other degenerates here like me.

Anonymous 3499

Ya, I write porn! But I do it for a select audience and publish it through pastebin links. You can post stories on Literotica if you're nuts, on AO3 (Archive Of Our Own) if you know someone who can give you an invite, on Pastebin if you want to never have your story read by anyone except those who know the links, home.blog if you want to try putting a name to it, storiesonline.net, and a few other places.

Anonymous 3500

What kind of porn do you write?

Anonymous 3501

Thanks for the suggestions! I'll look into those.

Mostly het involving my kinks. I just kind of write whatever weird ideas I come up with since I'm the only one who can put them on paper. I've been thinking of writing a series about a witch putting various ~curses~ on a raccoon boy (the cc kind not the animal) forcing him to go on quests to lift them and getting fucked in the meantime.

Anonymous 3503

Do you have any stories to share, anonette?
I like your idea, sounds hot!

Anonymous 3505


You probably wouldn't like them, they're written to please my bisexual-in-denial kinks so they're stuff like the protag-woman breaking in uppity scifi catgirl maids, post-apocalyptic brainwashing of alien squid woman who themselves can read thoughts, or cyberpunk stories involving sentient symbiotic slime living in the protag's vagina.

Anonymous 3506

The raccoon moidverse is becoming unstoppable.

Anonymous 3507

this sounds like a lot of it could work well as audio porn. there's a huge scene for that on reddit; dominant F4F and F4M files are very popular. if you're not confident in your voice you could just write scripts and have other people act them.

Anonymous 3508

The little contact I've had with audio porn was fun. Performed a couple of scripts years and years and years ago for 4/soc/ and the response was okay. But my own writing uses a lot of description and hanging out in the characters' heads, which I don't think would serve an erotic audio script except as inspiration.

If you want to know what I mean, this is one of my stories: https://pastebin.com/hZxuPgJM Contains femsub, medical bondage, brainwashing/hypnosis, a tiny bit of needle play, marriage, and because I keep getting carried away a couple ten thousands of words before the sex starts.

Might be fun to write an audio porn script in future though! I've always wondered how difficult they'd be to try.

Anonymous 3509

>cyberpunk stories involving sentient symbiotic slime living in the protag's vagina
That sounds like something I would like actually

Anonymous 3511

Seconding that that idea sounds hot and I hope that you say wherever you decide to post them or that I just find it by chance if you don't ;w;

Anonymous 3527

You can make your own in AI dungeon.
I always make a shota story there.

Anonymous 3528

>Mostly het involving my kinks. I just kind of write whatever weird ideas I come up with since I'm the only one who can put them on paper. I've been thinking of writing a series about a witch putting various ~curses~ on a raccoon boy (the cc kind not the animal) forcing him to go on quests to lift them and getting fucked in the meantime.

Thats the plot of the monster girl quest game…

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