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Anonymous 3536

Am I a bad person if I get off to rape genre in hentai?
I'm afraid I've become so pornsick as a person, the only type of hentai I can get off to now is the kind that's pic-related.
Do not look at pic if you are easily disturbed by blood/rape/severe sexual content.

I know, it's awful and it's bad, but I can't help it.
Do I condone rape? Absolutely fucking not. My childhood friend was raped and I cried when she told me about it. I was recently hospitalized, last year, after hearing the traumatizing news that another close friend of mine was raped.
But still, only in hentai, do I get off to stuff like this. I can really only get off to hardcore stuff like orc monster x hentai girl and some rape in hentai.
I like hentai like Oni ChiChi and Jk to Orc No Heidan Buta Oni.
Can anyone else relate to having this problem? Am I the only girl who's into this sort of stuff?
Am I a bad person?
Am I porn sick?

Anonymous 3537

>Am I the only girl who's into this sort of stuff?

>Do I condone rape? Absolutely fucking not.

I don't think anyone accused you of that. Not sure why you'd assume we think that because you get off to ugly-ass orcs violently raping their way through your schlick sessions.

>Am I a bad person?

Not possible to tell from this post. If you are a bad person it'll because you do bad things and not because you schlick to violent rape fantasies.

>Am I porn sick?

>the only type of hentai I can get off to '''now''' is the kind that's pic-related
If you could get off to gentler stuff before and you can't now, then yes, you're probably experiencing the hedonistic treadmill effect and/or porn sickness. If it makes you hate yourself then you should figure out why you became attracted to this stuff in the first place and then channel that elsewhere.

Anonymous 3538

>hedonistic treadmill effect

I have never heard of that term before. What does that mean anon?

Anonymous 3539

/r/pornfreewomen/ on reddit is full of people like you. if you think it's a problem, there are resources and methods for overcoming it. personally I'm not an absolutist about the moral value of things like this, but it seems like you might benefit from taking some control over it and gaining insight into yourself.

there's a whole possible universe of sexuality out there that could be at your fingertips if you stop being paralyzed by shame, but don't just give into the path of least resistance either. be objective about how it affects your life and take responsibility for yourself however you need to.

Anonymous 3540


Just get good taste. At least watch mermen raping or another mythical creature that is less shit taste than Ganondorf looking pigs. Monster boys are a good fetish.

Anonymous 3542


Blech no thank you.
Too homoerotic for my taste.
I prefer pigs because I like rough sex and most pretty faced guys tend to be douchebags.
Plus in my orc fantasy, the orcs are alien invaders that come to earth and kill off all the human moids, sort of like a parasitic invasion and natural selection, because human moids are proven to be the weaker sex so they're all killed off and women are the only ones left behind and they're forced to serve under orc as their pleasure slaves and have sex everyday with them to fulfill their erotic needs.

Anonymous 3543

Imagine the need as the treadmill and the person on it as the stimulation. Eventually you get used to the stimulation and need to run faster to get the same high. Anon here just happens to have a high "set point". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedonic_treadmill

The ugliness of the orcs is part of the point for her.

>Plus in my orc fantasy, the orcs are alien invaders that come to earth and kill off all the human moids, sort of like a parasitic invasion and natural selection, because human moids are proven to be the weaker sex so they're all killed off and women are the only ones left behind and they're forced to serve under orc as their pleasure slaves and have sex everyday with them to fulfill their erotic needs.
Anon, can I be honest with you? Your fantasy is the donut steel of the sexual fantasy world. It'd be a lot faster if you just said "I schlick to the fantasy of being raped and kept by the males who invade and kill my own tribe". It's such a common fantasy template that it's downright boring to sexologists by now, practically baked standard-issue into the limbic system. It's the same shit running the girls who enjoy provoking bar fights between dudes, fucking gangsters, or running cover for their boyfriends who like randomly punching other guys and then running off if shit gets too hot for them.

Anyway, it's out of the shadows for you now, so best to get a handle on it and learn to tame it. Everyone else does, or else it rules them without their ever knowing it and some end up doing some pretty shitty things to get their fix.

Anonymous 3544

>Your fantasy is the donut steel of the sexual fantasy world
Good to know I guess.
>It's such a common fantasy template that it's downright boring to sexologists
Also good to know.
>It's the same shit running the girls who enjoy provoking bar fights between dudes, fucking gangsters, or running cover for their boyfriends who like randomly punching other guys and then running off if shit gets too hot for them

Now this is where I'll have to firmly disagree, because I know for a fact I will never be interested in fucking a gangster.
I'm only interested in 2-d orcs and I have told myself, unless the miraculous day comes where there is an invasion of actual aliens (I mean ACTUAL aliens) of orc or some other grotesque creature that is capable of reproducing with human female anatomy, then I'm not interested in sex anytime soon.

Anonymous 3545

Yeah liking what you like is very uncommon, so much so that I'm even doubting you are a woman ngl. Because you can't trust anyone in this anonymous image board. Nobody should ever like ugly looking fat pig resembling shit. Go to a psychologist, sure other tastes in here are "fucked up" but at least they appeal to a sense of beauty, not a caveman retarded idea of "manliness" nobody gives a single flying fuck about that in all this image board.

Anonymous 3546

>Now this is where I'll have to firmly disagree, because I know for a fact I will never be interested in fucking a gangster.
It's the same basic pattern that expresses in different ways. In your case you've also added a touch of impossibility to leaven the loaf, but it's not much further away from the basics than that.

Anonymous 3547

The ugliness is part of the kick for her and serves two important functions. First, it drives things into the realm of fantastic impossibility to permit denial as we see in >>3544. Second, it permits feelings of inferiority and resentment to be transmuted to sexual output without triggering their conscious processing. Consider what would happen if Anon instead schlicked to impossibly beautiful ubermensch-type fantasy creatures slaughtering human men and raping human women.

Anonymous 3548

>I'm only interested in 2-d orcs and I have told myself, unless the miraculous day comes where there is an invasion of actual aliens (I mean ACTUAL aliens) of orc or some other grotesque creature that is capable of reproducing with human female anatomy, then I'm not interested in sex anytime soon.

not putting you down at all, but lol this is an amazing website

Anonymous 3549


You sick fuck..
Whaddabout werewolves?

Anonymous 3551

Whatever that retarded moid posted got deleted. Good.

Anonymous 3553

I deleted it myself dumbass because I made a mistake. And I’m not a moid, are you sure you’re not one yourself?

Ehhhhhhhhhhhh…………………werewolves cross too much into furry territory for me, so no thank you.
Although that pic you chose is pretty damn hot

It has to be humanoid orcs and ogres with normal monster faces and, occasionally, piggie faces to suit my tastes :3

Anonymous 3574

Yes, you are a bad person and you’re pornsick. I really don’t have any sympathy for you. If you get off to the emotional or physical pain of others, you are a bad person.

Anonymous 3589


I get it, its a fantasy but I don't like Pigmen like OP.

Anonymous 3638

Hentai definetly has that feeling of it not being real
Like you can look at regular porn and your mind will understand that it is real people
But looking at hentai will make your brain confused, so it allows you to get aroused by things you will normally find disgusting

Anonymous 3648

i can kind of relate. i kind of have a rape fetish or an age gap fetish, i always think about older men, or just being dominated. i try to avoid watching any sort of porn, especially when i masturbate to avoid getting into weird shit.

i dont think it makes you a bad person,but i think porn is a real bad issue, for promoting bad fetishes, desensatizing people to real sex, stuff like that.

Anonymous 4231

Someone mentioned mermen rape, and now I will never know peace until i find it. Please anons, anyone got a source?

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