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/nsfw/ - xxx


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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 3661

Anonymous 4395

I can't remember any usernames/links because its been a few years, but the stuff I would listen to was so good I didn't even have to touch myself to cum.

Anonymous 5322

Anonymous 6503

Anonymous 6506

SoundCloud took down all the otome and BL audio porn recently

Anonymous 6715

sounds like it put you in a trance

Anonymous 6868

This reminds me of when my parents found an mp3 of orgasm noises on my computer and scolded me

Anonymous 7005

Anyone browse the /soc/ MSA thread? I know /soc/ is a cesspool but there's some decent voices there and they will read anything you ask them to.

Anonymous 7022

I became aware of it when I was younger. The community isn't too bad, the people are generally understanding and nice, however I can't shake the feeling that I'm surrounded moreso by gay moids than I am by coomers.

Anonymous 11665

now THIS sounds intriguing…

Anonymous 11683

More please?

Anonymous 13144


Anonymous 13147

r/gonewildaudio/ has a lot of records

Anonymous 13148

point of that thread is to share the best ones sonwe don't have to go through the trouble of researching that huge subreddit

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