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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 3669

Why are porn dumps banned now? Was a rationale ever given? Even though it's not very active I like checking this board for new content every day or two.

Anonymous 3672

I don't agree with it. Places where girls can share the stuff they find attractive anonymously is rare. I guess I have to go through tons of moid threads to find good stuff in other imageboards :(

Anonymous 3678

Is is time for a poll, then?

Anonymous 3704

Dont think it'll change anything. It's up to the moderation

Anonymous 3706

Look what im gonna do is dumb everything into an imgur then share the link. Most of my shota got deleted and it was hot af.

Anonymous 3721

please do

Anonymous 3829

Can this thread be used to talk about the concept of "female gaze"?

Zoe Dirse looks at the female gaze through the documentary film genre, analyzing aspects of pleasure and viewer identification. She analyzes the gaze at the points of production and reception. She notes that if the cinematographer is female and the subject is also female, the object of the film takes on a different role. Dirse argues that by having a female cinematographer allows females to be viewed as they really are and not the voyeuristic spectacle that the male gaze makes them out to be. While filming in Cairo, Dirse was in a crowd and observed being noticed by the males around her. At first they seemed curious, and Dirse wondered if it was because of her gender or the fact that she had a camera. It was not long before they began to push past her, and she felt a sense of danger that she felt other females in Cairo shared. This is depicted in her film, Shadow Maker. She said that her gender allowed her to be an unobtrusive observer – unlike a man – when filming gypsies singing.

Anonymous 3831

Lumine Devouring H…

From what I can think of, I think it is because how heavy the image files usually are, and so it is making CC maintenance costs high which aren't free.
Understandable, I guess.
The concept itself makes sense and it can always exist, but this is entirely depending on film studies or so, and there hasn't been that many female directors, so we don't have much to talk about it, to be honest.
However, I am strongly committed to the idea that something like that exists within the other arts, mainly noting it with female artists in Japan and how they tend to draw men and women in comparison to the male artists. Most notably is how female artists do not tend to like to sexualize, while the male ones love to do that; of course, there are exceptions like Pochi, but even she doesn't go that far and is not a complete degenerate like the moids are with their obsession to ugly bastards and other misogynistic fetishes.
But, alas, this is something that needs a lot of research and data (mainly statistics) in order for my point not be a "bullshit" idea, or so.

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