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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 3808

My bf turned out to be a 'feeder'.
Fuck me. What should I do? I had such a big crush on him.

Anonymous 3816

What does that mean? He wants you to get fat or he swallows cum?

Anonymous 3817

Would he force you to gain weight if he was with you? Can he not feel any attraction to people of a healthy weight? If he’s a good guy, he’d repress that fetish since it’s not ethical to feed your partner to death.
t. ashamed anon cursed with a fat fetish

The former

Anonymous 3818

Just put up with him, he won't feed you an extreme amount of food if he does ignore him and only eat 1/4 of it. His tastes will change and adapt to what you are, you will see.

Anonymous 3821

giphy (1).gif

feederism (or the inverse, anorexia fetishism) is based on the total helplessness and control of the morbidly obese (or severely underweight) woman and is usually paired with various other sexual deviations especially on the bdsm side of things

Anonymous 3822



Anonymous 3823

I don't know. He wasn't sure if he was gonna tell me, but then blurted out he likes fat women and wants to see them grow. I'm not exactly fat, but chubby for sure. It would probably be super easy for me to get bigger. I haven't been with anyone for over 2 years, I'm lonely. He's amazing person otherwise.

Anonymous 3824

he's definitely a creep, this is a red flag dump his ass

Anonymous 3827

For me, I just like the aesthetic of the fat.. like.. the gluttony of it. Just the idea of a guy pigging out and not being able to help himself. I know I’m disgusting, but just offering a different perspective.
Talk about this with him. Just straight up be open with him about it. Tell him you’re not comfortable gaining weight and want to take care of your health and see how he reacts. I know you’re lonely but please don’t sacrifice your physical health for companionship anon.

Anonymous 3834

There was a certain presence for this peculiar fetish before, but has the Coronavirus pandemic sped it up? Or are some people changing preferences to this because of quarantine and isolation?

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