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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 3862

Hello fellow femcels, where do you get high quality strap-ons to peg your dakimakuras?

Also pegging thread.

Anonymous 3863

I never used one but I know there are some that have a vibrator for yourself inside so it doesn't ends up feeling lame.

Anonymous 3864

also femcel but horny enough to have looked into this and this guide to harnesses seems pretty good as a starting point: https://peggingparadise.com/2012/03/faq/#harness

her blog also introduced me to this thing, which looks like one of the best cocks you can buy: https://vimeo.com/327598282

Anonymous 4034

Get a feeldoe off Amazon lol

Anonymous 4658

There is porn of women pumping up their clitoris to penetrate their partner… is that a viable and satisfying option? Asking for a friend.

Anonymous 4673


Unless you're getting enough exogenous testosterone to grow an enlarged clit, as occurs in bodybuilders who abuse steroids, that isn't gonna work.

Anonymous 4675

>this picture
Lol I really do that sometimes.

Anonymous 4686

I love how the angle is all wrong for it

Anonymous 4690

It's a strange thought that men draw these kind of pics.

Also maybe reverse cowgirl?

Anonymous 4758


i want this so badly

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