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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021

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Anonymous 3865

How do I explain to my boyfriend that he can't make me cum? Like, he's not doing anything wrong, I am just like… defective. I can't touch myself the normal way anyways, and I can't imagine how he would make me cum in the only way I know how to. I mean maybe maybe grinding on his thigh, but idk. I just don't want to hurt his feelings.

related, how to get out of prone masterbation (I cannot have possibly spelled that right I'm sorry) and be able to come in a normal way?

(pic completely unrelated lmao)

Anonymous 3867

You will have to ride his thigh. It's hot since the times I do it when I'm not using a vibe I just ride and move back and forth on a dakimakura pillow. Not even kidding.

It's the same logic here, if you cant climax with penetration or fingers or a nice rub you will have to grind the leg a while this can work nicely since you can also make out while doing it. Just tell him.

Anonymous 6577

You tell him
Right to his face
Hey, Anonbf!
Look at me,boy!
You don't get me off
Step it up!

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