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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 3918

How does it feel to get cummed inside

Anonymous 3919

I fantasise about it, but can't help but thing it actually feels like nothing and is just gross.

Anonymous 3920


Anonymous 3921

tbh you don't feel the cum, just the guys dick going limp

Anonymous 3922

Feels like a very tiny explosion, and then it's just dripping liquid down your legs after that if you stand up. Much like most intimate processes though it's not the immediate physical realities of what's happening that makes it enjoyable.
The most intimate experience I've ever had is cumming the same time as my ex while facing each other, and as he came he said 'I love you, anon'. Then falling asleep as we held one other.

Anonymous 3923

feel like this was written by a scrote spy.
I've never felt "a very tiny explosion" just them twitching or something, and then going soft. And then, of course, everything ends because the dude coming is seen as the end-goal of any sexual encounter with one, and things just end after he gets his.

Anonymous 3924


dudes, it feels like literally nothing. Porn and erotica tends to make it look lewd but in the end it's just gross.

Anonymous 3925

this thread makes me glad ive never been defiled by a disgusting moid

Anonymous 3926

what does it feel like to have your hymen break through intercourse not by accident?

Anonymous 3927

Hymen is a myth

Anonymous 3928


so this means that the bloody sheets in the past tradition were results of basically raping the woman on the first night…? makes it even more fucking disgusting

Anonymous 3929

Every straight sex is rape

Anonymous 3930

All sex is gross if you think about it from the anti-natalist perspective.

Anonymous 3931

Bullshit answers aside, it doesn't feel like any kind of explosion or being 'filled up' unfortunately, but it feels REALLY REALLY warm suddenly and you can feel the way it pulses and throbs (and of course his reaction all over you which is usually really intense and wonderful.)

Anonymous 3932

Don't be psychotic, stop sexualizing women's safe spaces, etc.

Anonymous 3933

t. scrotes

Anonymous 3934

t. schizo scrote falseflagger.

Anonymous 3935

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