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Lowering/Killing Libido Anonymous 4122

Hey miners.
I keep having grossly sexual dreams and waking up terrified that I'm masturbating in my sleep. I want that shit to stop, it's annoying and I'm a schizo hikki who doesn't watch porn or read erotic manga/fiction so I have no reason to have a sex drive. Is there any over the counter drug or some alternative method that I can use to kill my sex drive? I'm being 100% serious, this shit is getting on my nerves.

Anonymous 4123

lowering your food intake (under 800cal/day) does kill sex drive but it's obviously a bad way with a lot of shitty side effects

>doesn't watch porn or read erotic manga/fiction

why? this could help get rid of the drive for the day or so.

Anonymous 4124

When I had a boyfriend I would eat 800-1000cal/day but I still had a very high sex drive, so I doubt that would work. But thank you for the recommendation anyway anon<3

I'm against porn and was never into erotica. When I do masturbate I do it without any of that and have no issues getting off. I just really don't wanna deal with these kinds of urges anymore.

Anonymous 4126

You need to completely wreck your hormone profile.

Anonymous 4129

Isn't that gonna fuck up the uterus and just about everything else?

Anonymous 4130

Op didn't say anything about not having collateral damage.

Anonymous 4132

Fuck, lmao. That's fair.

Anonymous 4406

I have extremely low sex drive, it's actually pretty non existing. I have a healthy bmi and i do work out and i don't have any health issues. Honestly, i can't even tell you why it's like this.. maybe there's just a hormonal imbalance in my head or something.

Anonymous 4407

find a good kink and good looking moids or women baka

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