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Sex experiences and tips Anonymous 424

A thread for trading information on how to make good things better, sex related questions and general experiences- good or bad.

Anonymous 451>>452>>454>>458>>2023

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Thought I had a couple bondage diagrams but I can't find them right now. I got a cunnilingus guide though.

Anonymous 452

that was a really funny read anon thanks for the laughs

Anonymous 454

This was amusing but damn it makes me wish I was dating someone who is good at munching without having to teach them.

Anonymous 458

This made me sad, my bf has no interest in doing that whatsoever

Anonymous 540>>541>>2010

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I tried anal with my boyfriend last night… it wasn't really talked about in advance (though he asked in the moment) and I'm not sure how I feel about it.

Anyway, we made an attempt and while I was adjusting slowly it was just too much so we stopped. I'm still not sure how I feel about it… I think I feel weird just because it's "anal sex" and my friend group looks down on it, but it wasn't actually bad and I kind of enjoyed it and with more prep I think I'd like to try it more if that's a thing he's into.

Can anyone tell me about their experiences with it? Does anyone here enjoy it? If so, what should I know about and how do I prep myself for it?

I know google is my friend but I'm curious about what other girls here have to say. Thanks!

Anonymous 541>>576

Despite having nerves there you don't have a prostate and the "pleasure" you may feel from it is only mental. I wouldn't recommend it except for if you really want to please your bf. Also if you wear condoms (and you should wear condoms for anal sex due to obvious reasons = your shit comes out of there, it has lots of bacteria even if you wash it well, and in some cases it infects the penis), it's more susceptible to tearing. As you said yourself, Google is your friend, so do some research, but look for legit sources instead of 10 WAYS TO PLEASE YOUR MAN!!!!! and decide for yourself if you really want to use your asshole like that. I do believe some girls do really enjoy it (nerves and mental) but those are exceptions as the majority does it to please the guy and that should not be anyones reason to do anything.
Good luck, sister.

Anonymous 576>>579>>1548


The only pleasure you get is mental? Maybe for you, but I'm extremely sexually sensitive back there. Sometime it feels better than vaginal, especially if you play with your clit at the same time. Some of my strongest orgasms have come from anal.

That being said, you do have to be much more careful and it can take a few days/weeks to get fully comfortable. But once you get there it feels as good as anything else and you won't need to "warm up" as much. And pre-game cleaning is a must!

Anonymous 579>>703>>884>>885

How do people clean their asses specifically for sex? Douches?

And I've always wondered if gay men do it several times a week if they have an active sex life.

Anonymous 684>>839

what are some things you wish you knew before losing your virginity?

Anonymous 703

Douching is an option, so is just spreading your cheeks in the shower, I like anal sex a lot, but that might just be because of being raised by a strict Catholic family and feeling incredibly shamed about my sexuality to the point it feels somehow less shameful to take it in the ass? Whatever the reason, I've heard from some gays that depending on the quality of your poop you can just forgo cleaning out, but that just seems absurd and embarassing to me if anything goes wrong.

Anonymous 820>>830

How to successfully do cowgirl?

Anonymous 830

Kneel over his hips, shift your weight forward to your arms and thrust with your hips, which takes time to figure out how to do that. It's a muscle memory thing. Your back is going to kill after the first couple times, trust me.

A lot of the porn shit is just girls kneeling straight over guys while he thrusts up into them. Probably not what your man is hoping for though. I never tried it.

Try either of those, I guess. Your question is vague and I don't know what's giving you trouble.

Anonymous 839>>850>>1969

I wish i knew how meaningless virginity was, and that i shouldnt have obsessed over it

Anonymous 850

It depends on the person tbqh.

Anonymous 857>>858>>859>>893>>1836

Anyone have good tips for upping your bj game?

Anonymous 858

Use your cheeks and try to put your lips over your theet at all times, you are welcome~

Anonymous 859

Don't neglect the balls lol

Anonymous 884

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here yew go

Anonymous 885

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wait sorry i posted the wrong one but probably still helpful for some.
this is the correct image!
and also more here : https://info.stylee32.net/index.php?dir=4chan%2F4chans+Guide+To+Anal%2F

Anonymous 893>>1834

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Anonymous 1548


The mental aspect, either as naughty/taboo/kinky or as pleasing your partner, is obviously huge. But I also think whether or not you like anal depends a lot on your unique anatomy (especially the thickness of the rectovaginal septum, which is the lining between your anus and vagina). If you're thinner back there, anal is going to feel better and you can even hit your g-spot a little bit. If you're thicker there the only pleasure you'll get it from the actual nerves in the anus itself.

Anonymous 1834

>Martin was arrested for fraud, tampering with evidence, and obstruction of justice

That's probably the best amateur vid of a beej I've seen. It's honestly mesmerizing.

Anonymous 1835

Uva Ursi is an herbal supplement available over the counter that I have found is super helpful at preventing UTIs.

I usually have trouble getting in the mood but once I do I'm good to go, but I don't like that my initial slowness can sometimes put a stop to the whole thing from even starting. I have found maca powder does a really good job at helping me get ramped up faster, and maybe it's a placebo but my orgasms are also better.

This may just be good fortune of having a decent man as a sexual partner, but I've found that occasionally giving him 100% of what he wants with no reservations or hesitation makes him more likely to pamper me and treat me like a queen when that's what I'm in the mood for. It's very quid-pro-quo, and I don't mind some of what he asks for if I get what I want in return. That's a good rule for our relationship in general (within reason).

Anonymous 1836>>1845

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A bit rough but

>Eye contact

>Say something nasty
>Don't be afraid to get drool everywhere
>Stuff his dick as far deep in your mouth/throat as you can
>Vacuum suck
>Lick his balls and bury your face in them
>Lick his taint and butthole if you're feeling brave

Webm related

Anonymous 1845

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Anonymous 1962>>1963>>1995

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So I’ve always masturbated while laying down on my stomach, and have never fingered myself because it hurts when I try to insert one finger in. The only thing I have stuck inside was an old makeup brush handle and while I was wet I tried to take advantage of sticking my finger in, but like before, it was uncomfortable.

While I was over at my boyfriend’s house, he tried fingering me but it was a little painful because I wasn’t really wet yet, so he thought my whining was me enjoying it. Usually he’d rub my clit, but this time he didn’t and just went straight in. I let it happen because I thought maybe eventually I’d get wet (I’m a dumb virgin and so is he). He lives with his family so we didn’t really get to do much since people kept coming in and out of his room.

I know to solve that problem I’d just have to communicate with my boyfriend, but I’m not exactly sure how to solve my other problem which is getting comfortable enough to get fingered. It has always scared me a little and I’m worried I’ll never be able to enjoy getting fingered like all the other girls do. I feel left out, as pathetic has that sounds lol.

Does it just take time to get used to?

Anonymous 1963

Oh, oops. I meant as*.

Anonymous 1969

My long time (9+) gf was really glad that she preserved her virginity until she dated me. In her words she had told me that doing so made not only the sex beautiful but also the commitment more binding. I guess it goes both ways

Anonymous 1995

>have the exact same problem
>bf tries to comfort me
>just get more upset

Anonymous 2010

I used to do anal with my boyfriend until one day I hopped off and there was a foul smell and a lot of cleaning up to do…. absolutely disgusting

Anonymous 2011

Unbroken eye contact.

Anonymous 2023

Original source?

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