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big man.jpg

Big buff hairy men Anonymous 4245

I really men like thIS. They look so strong and masculine, i'd feel so safe while getting hugged by pic related. Shame that they are usually always massive partybros with no sense of responsability.
Anyway, big hairy man thread. Doesn't matter if it's nsfw or not, as long he is a man, big, and hairy.

Anonymous 4393

Same, anon. The guy I'm talking to right now is hairy all over. I could die happy being smothered by his hairy chest.

Anonymous 4400


big agree

Anonymous 4484

I just want a 6'0" tall muscled hairy man to give me smooches while he hugs me close to himself. I'd feel so safe.

Anonymous 4523


excellent taste anon. this is my exact type

the dream

Anonymous 4541

Started from the bottom now we here

Anonymous 4842


blocks your path
"hahaha why are you so beautiful girl?"
he says in a russian accent while clearly intoxicated.

Anonymous 4854


he finally hit the gym
so proud of him

Anonymous 4855


I found my people. Big, hairy, broad dudes are my type. There's something so visceral about seeing men like that that my brain kinda melts and I get shy and flustered.

Pic related. My fave. I would give anything to be cuddled and squeezed by him.

Anonymous 4933

question for any of you: do any of your fathers look like this or are your fathers the complete opposite? bc this reminds me way too much of my father to ever be into it, very unsettling.

Anonymous 4938

Is your dad free tonight

Anonymous 4953

I can't speak for anyone else but sort of. My father is masculine looking and has facial hair but…that's just what average men kinda look like? It's like asking a dude if he avoids short women because they look too much like their mother when on the whole women are mostly shorter than men.

That said, I've never been into fempretty boys. If I wanted someone pretty, I'd date girls honestly. Because they do it better imo. I'm attracted to men because they're not pretty - they're rough and big and hairy and kinda dirty. I like being the opposite to it as well. Being clean and soft while he grunts and fucks me silly like a big caveman.

Anonymous 4954

i disagree. i think this is a particular look not all dads have. not all men are hirsute outside of facial hair and not all men choose to stay built, that's a definite lifestyle choice. none of my friend's dads look like this that i can immediately think of. depends on their genetics and lifestyle choices imho.

Anonymous 4977

OP here.
My dad was fat, never had facial hair, and short (5'6"), as a matter of fact i'm taller than him.
So no, definitely not some kind of Freudian fetish.

Anonymous 4984

that's what i figured. i don't believe in the freudian stuff. i figured it would mostly be attractive to people with fathers not at all like this. it's a very dad-like look to me even not considering my own, so i figure those who are into it probably had fathers who look/ed pretty different.

Anonymous 5007


Anonymous 5488

Nope, my father is almost a twig and has little hair outside top of his head, only thing he has similar is the +6' height. He's also not very masculine like the men ITT, he's just sort of masculine, average I guess.

Anonymous 5605

eh my dad is overall quite masculine in terms of character, but not hairy. And thats the number one thing I find attractive in a guy lol

Anonymous 7352

i don't really like middle easterners/north africans tbh

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