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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 4448

I’ve been having fantasies about my small asian bf getting fucked by his bigger friends lately. Is this normal?

Anonymous 4450

>small asian bf getting fucked by his bigger friends
Lewd. It is a slippery slope to fujo-dom, please be careful.

Anonymous 4451

Domics isn't your bf.

Anonymous 4458

i used to fantasize the same thing about my tiny white ex's brother's huge bodybuilder friends fucking the shit out of him, it turned out to be a rather bad omen when my ex turned out to be super gay tried to cheat on me with men

Anonymous 4466

get a strap

Anonymous 4485

have you considered a threeway with two bi/gay guys? They can get you off and then give you a show fucking each other afterward.

Anonymous 4490

I'm gay but I fantasize about a specific male friend getting fucked by guys pretty regularly. I don't know what it is exactly that makes me feel it but it's there.

Anonymous 5391

I think you're very much aware of how power (intersections of dominance and submissiveness between genders) and how we associate that with physical traits. You might be bi, that's what made me realize I was.

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