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why would I need a boyfriend? Anonymous 4529

why would I need a partner when masturbating to fantasies feels awesome already?

I am still a virgin so I wouldn't know
what has getting a real man brought in your life anons?

Anonymous 4530


Based and 2Dpilled.

Anonymous 4534

Actual sex provides gratification and social interaction past what orgasm can provide. I once blew a guy who didn't get me off that night and I didn't even care (though he said he felt bad I didn't come, which I told him was fine because I liked his dick, which was true) because I just enjoyed making him feel good and letting him feel and eye me up.
Getting off was more my thing and I almost had this feeling of "if it feels better myself, why bother" as a late teen, but lately, I just wanna spoon with a cute boy and jerk him off under the covers, listening to his wimpers and moans as his ragged breathing accelerates and he climaxes in my hand.

Anonymous 4538

sex is amazing when you're in a relationship and comfortable with that person. I wish I was a virgin tho so I wouldn't have to miss it

Anonymous 4546

Same, I'm unironically jealous of OP. My only LTR ended recently and modern dating is a hellscape, but I'm too horny to give up altogether. fml

Anonymous 4551

Second source of income.
Reproductive opportunities.
Sense of structure.
Valuable second opinions on topics.
Resource dump to go to for niche topics so I don't need to become an expert myself.

Anonymous 4552

>I just wanna spoon with a cute boy and jerk him off under the covers, listening to his wimpers and moans as his ragged breathing accelerates and he climaxes in my hand.

Oh my god anon me too ;.;

Anonymous 4559

I doubt hookups give you anything you can't get from masturbating. Granted, I haven't tried that.
But being in a romantic relationship with a real person gives you lots of pleasant feelings you don't get from fantasy. I think you need to experience it to know fully what I mean. The sex will likely won't get you off at first, especially if you're into guys, though.
I'm not a virgin and I don't miss it honestly. It was nice to see what a relationship was like, but I'm content enough with just fantasy when I'm horny.

Anonymous 6219

>what has getting a real man brought in your life anons?
I can't kiss or feel a dick in my hands or mouth, nor can I feel a male's hand on my breasts, nor can I feel a male's hair between my fingers, nor can I hear his moans or feel his warm body on mine, with just fantasies.
But I must admit, I'd rather masturbate than have a guy try to make me have an orgasm.

Godddddddd he's so hot, I love him. This artist is my inspiration.

Anonymous 6302

A fantasy can't wrap you up in his arms and make you feel small and cute

Anonymous 6309

you don’t need one
2d men>3dpd

Anonymous 6371

Because cumming to pictures of your husbando by rubbing your clit is less satisfying than cumming to thoughts of your husbando while a moid fucks you.

Unironically the social aspect of sex is one of, if not the best part of it for me. Also I can't choke myself properly while masturbating so having a moid choke me makes it worthwhile

Anonymous 6378

Physical contact. Feeling someone close to you. Being able to talk to them and have them talk to you. Getting immediate reactions when doing or saying certain things. Potentially doing something embarrassing and having a laugh about it. That sort of thing.

Anonymous 6389

Did this a few times with a friend in high school, unironically some of the hottest "sex" of my life. Can't find anything online that resembles the experience.

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