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Anonymous 4577

I never saw the appeal of the dyed hair girl in films for moids, clementine kruczynski and ramona flowers are iconic examples that I've always bashed and shamed moids for finding attractive.

Today I had a very tough night, easily one of the worst in my life and I couldn't sleep, slept by dawn and ended up having weird random dreams and the only thing I remember before waking up was walking up to this woman who I know (in the dream I don't know her IRL), it was in public, and she looked and dressed like clementine, I had dream flashbacks of her bullying me and smearing makeup all over my clothes and I asked her to do it again and she held me closely, smiled and made fun of me then smeared makeup all over me and was bullying me, it was so intimate and kinda gentle and I told her that I was afraid she'll hurt my feelings by leaving me and she laughed and just started kissing me all over then afterwards makingout with me, the dream ended before she was able to take me clothes off.

I woke up in such a good mood even though I had a terrible night and was about to have a bad day which I did, I'm just thankful that my brain gave me that treat to keep me keep on pushing.

I also now feel guilty for all the statements I made against her and other manic pixie girls dyed hair types, I totally see the appeal now.

Anonymous 4645

What a ride, really nice. I'm sorry but I do not know what I could possibly add to that.

You know, back then I actually hated those alt girls to such a degree that I imagined having hate sex with them. I would ride my pillows and "choke" them while calling them hurtful names lol.

Anonymous 4676

Some of you girls sound like you really can't relate to someone just cause they put some chemicals in their hair. You realize that women with colored hair are just normal women, yes?

Anonymous 4677

Maybe… though my experience tells me that most of them have a cluster b personality disorder.

Anonymous 4682

Most people on this site have a cluster b personality disorder. See: >>crystal.cafe/b/res/86717

Anonymous 4687

Ahh yes, 404 file not found.

Anonymous 4693

I forgot the .html at the end. Anyway it’s a link to the personality test thread.

Anonymous 4888


I'm OP, I dye my hair (black) very regularly, I was talking about the whole package, the annoying male fantasy pixie dream girl who is quirky and upbeat and adventurous, many alt e-girls try to play the character but it's not as organic and they rarely succeed and the pander to greasy neckbeards, even their attraction to females is a pander to those neckbeards who are into yuri, I'll die unfulfilled.

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