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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 4596

Have you ever fooled around with a (female or male) friend?
What happened?

Anonymous 4606


Can be good but don't be too passionate or the other party might think you love them. Also be prepared for awkwardness and sexual tension for the rest of your relationship. However, there must have been tension beforehand sooo… I don't know? Can't really recommend nor advise against it. You must figure it out yourself.

Anonymous 4609

The closest I got was watching my couple friends have sex after they jokingly invited me, and I seriously agreed. It was hot at the time, but it was awkward afterwards for a pretty long while.

Anonymous 4692

Me and another girl watched while friends of us fucked in their house through the window at night. They knew and we filmed. It was exciting but it did not make me horny.

Anonymous 4698

We got involved in a kind of FWB relationship, but only had sex maybe twice a year when everything lined up and we went all out on making kind of grand, romantic and beautiful gestures. It's the most romantic and fulfilling sex I've ever had.

Anonymous 4723

ive been thinking about fucking a friend of mine but im afraid of possibly causing drama so bump

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