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Porn addiction Anonymous 4630

I wanna go back to the old days where I could just imagine a girl gently fingering me and that would be enough to get me off, where bare tits and ass was enough to turn me on. I have been watching porn since I was 13 or so and I can't coom without it anymore. When I'm horny I'm constantly masturbating throughout the day to futa/tentacles/loli/bestiality and whatever fucked up shit I find on sadpanda. Sometimes after cooming three or four times I'm still horny and no porn can get me off anymore, it's just boring. I constantly read NSFW yuri just because, not to get off or anything but because I don't fucking know, it kinda feels mentally good. I didn't know this was addiction behavior but apparently it is and I tried to stop watching porn and masturbate solely to my imagination but I failed. I have also tried not masturbating altogether and that wouldn't be a problem if there wasn't this week in my cycle where I'm horny and for 2-3 days I'm actually so horny it's physically painful and I need to absolutely get off. Have you guys gone through this before? Any advice?

I posted this in 4chinz /lgbt/ but then I remembered this place existed and that one is filled with nothing but rping troons.

Anonymous 4631

I haven't personally had this problem, but a guy I know works out or runs whenever he gets horny. Maybe working out or running may not be for your, but I suppose find something that can distract you from your horniness.

Idk, maybe try doing that for a couple of months, and then just stop watching porn all together.

Anonymous 4632

The virtue of going nofap is real. You say that you get so horny during the 3 day period that you can't help it, so try to not do it most of the time and then indulge in fantasy for the three days. If you're intensely wired on those days, it should be easier to get off on 'small' things.

Anonymous 4633


Man, why was this moved here. I wanted genuine advice, not a fucking porn thread.

Anonymous 4635


Actual advice? Slowly stop masturbating. I don't think the actual contents of the porn really matter, don't be ashamed of the loli/zoo/whatever, I don't actually think that is having an effect on the overall issues, but I think you'd be able to get off easier and be happier if you in slow intervals weaned yourself off of pornography, and then afterwards only masturbated when you actually felt the urge. It's really the hyper-consumption that ruins mood and masturbation not the specific type.

Don't go cold turkey, give this a try it's based off of other addiction help guides.

>Week 1-2: Masturbate once a day.

>Week 3-4: Masturbate every other day.
>Week 5-9: Masturbate once a week
>Week 10+ Do not indulge. In this case I would only do so when you feel a strong urge.

If you fall off start back at week one.

I used this technique back in high school to deal with a similar porno issue and by week 4 I was feeling much better.

Some tips are to limit porn exposure, do not go on sites like sadpanda, A03, nifty, hentaihaven, or anywhere where there are large amounts of adult-oriented works to be found unless you are about to masturbate. Take walks, play vidya, occupy yourself with other things.
You're lesbian? Don't watch ecchi or anything with provocative women and instead spend some time watching media you aren't liable to have straying thoughts with.

You can also install extensions on your computer and phone to block sites for you and make it harder to impulse browse porn out of boredom.

Pornography addiction can be hard to deal with, but it is 100% escapable. Try reading some guides for addicts of other things too. Often the same techniques can be applied here since it is mostly a matter of willpower.

Good luck anon, I know you can do it.

Anonymous 4636

Mii Dance.gif

Also want to add that you could modify the weekly intervals to suit your needs better.

Like adding a week to the beginning if you need to work yourself down to one a day. Or maybe the shift from week 4 to 4 5 is too drastic and you need to add another one in between with a different intervel.

What matter is you tell yourself you are going to do something and you follow it.

Anonymous 4637

OP and everyone struggling with porn addiction.
Read this www.easypeasymethod.org and do mindfulness meditation for 5-20 minutes every day. It helped me quit, and it will help you quit as well.
You quit forever, and it gives you such happiness and freedom like very little else you had experienced

Anonymous 4643


>seeking help to go noporn
>now forced to see porn when seeking help
But yes, I used to have a similar issue. Basically was horny 24/7, masturbated everywhere (shameful), and would just go home and watch porn. Like you it was not even for getting off, just looking at it for entertainment. Difference is my imagination is great because I'm a drawfag so I never had that issue…sorry. But that was also why I could masturbate anywhere, so you win some you lose some.

But anyway, now I never look at 3DPD or immoral (to me) porn like loli/shota, torture, etc. For a while I viewed nothing, but now can consume moderate, tasteful nsfw without losing control. Here are some turning points for me:
>own effort over the course of years, slowly weaned off of the weird shit until I only watched camgirls masturbating or vanilla drawings
>got older (mid-20's now). My libido is still a lot, but not what it was in my teens
>lost weight and hormones balanced
>started working out 5 days a week
>got a bad UTI and was afraid to masturbate for over a month because it fucking sucked
>lost myself in my work

I won't lie, the UTI was definitely the biggest factor. Went from still NEEDING too get off 3-4 times a day to only 1-2 times a week. I don't recommend infections but for my health-obsessed and anxious ass it worked. Similarly I don't eat sugar out of health fears. Being terrified is an underrated technique for self-control.

Good luck.

Anonymous 4646


We're almost in the same boat anon… I look at some form of yuri all throughout the day (either just going through imageboards that have yuri, playing yuri eroges or reading doujins) and it barely turns me on anymore. I just can't not look at it, it's like my hands compulsively open whatever will get me yuri first. I feel like I'm a man trivialising my own goddamn homosexuality and it's starting to make me sick.
I haven't been able to not jack off for over 4-5 days for months now. Yuri or female with futa is all I ever look at and my sheer boredom makes me horny 'cause my imagination just goes there when I don't pay attention to it. The fact that I'm a hikikomori outside of uni really doesn't help. I have no hobbies outside of thinking about having sex with women.
Best of luck to you with stopping, I know I won't be off this ride for a lifetime.

Anonymous 4647

I really relate to this. It got like this with me and shota
OP what is your mental state? If you suffer from depression try to get on Zoloft. It reduces sex drive which is seen as a negative side effect but speaking as a depressed porn addicted NEET it was a positive for me. I only look at porn a couple times a week now and I feel more desire to get out and find a real relationship.

Anonymous 4648

jeez anon
literally just read this >>4637

Anonymous 4743

fran relax.jpg

this is literally the worst thing you could do. This just leads to delusion. Any time you get tempted to go "over your quota" you'll subconsciously think "it's okay, I can start over!" and you will continue to think so every single time you fail.
read the entire easy peasy method book, (even though its aimed at moids it still works), have your final session, an quit cold turkey, for good. you won't look back.

Anonymous 4762

>this is literally the worst thing you could do.

I mean it's what worked for me after a year of trying so it's clearly not the worst. lol

Personally Easy Peasy did nothing for me because I realized that porn was having nothing but a determential effect on my life and I already knew most of the information provided. I didn't find it motivating, it didn't scare me into quitting, and it didn't bolster my confidence in my ability to stop. I left the book with a "Well yeah, duh" kind of feel and felt nowhere closer to ending it, I'm weak willed and stupid.

What I listed was also a modified method aimed at smokers and I felt way more in control of how the process went along. I had a goal I was working on each week and I was going to get it done, it was an active effort on my part. I felt the structure helped.

Granted I think that everyone is different and what works for some might not work for others, but that was just my experience.

Anonymous 4889


oh anon, oh dear anon.

I had the same problem when I was your age, at 11 I discovered yaoi/hentai mangas and at 12 I discovered real life porn and degenerate animes like Kiss x sis and Boku no Piko… I used to think people watched this for entertainment only and not to masturbate, I thought female maturation was a taboo and was overall different to how I did it because of the dudes I talked with and saw online so I didn't really indulge until I was 13, I was addicted to yaoi and later shota, I realised it was wrong but not because I was addicted, because I thought I was sinning religious bringing-up.

I quit cold-turkey but relapsed at 14 and this time it was yuri, it was so bad I'd leave in the middle of social events to go masturbate to yuri porn funny thing is that I thought I was straight and that I only liked the novelty of it >>4635 I did this and with the help of my confused sexuality I was able to quit only for a few years before relapsing again in high-school, I masturbated to IRL gay porn in high-school and had an e-boyfriend so I asked him for nudes and it kind of helped me not get super addicted like the past few times…

I'm in my twenties now and this is the ?? time I fell back into porn addiction I rationalize it by telling myself that I'm lonely and touch starved and this is as close as I can get to sexual satisfaction but it's better to abstain than get your brain hooked on porn, and it's getting more degenerate by the day it's really hard to nut to something this gross but I still do, masturbating every other day now because I'm trying to quit but I'm having second thoughts.

I always used the slow burn method here >>4635 for everything after learning that it works for binge eating and guess what? I still binge eat. and I always fall back into porn, so I'm considering this >>4743 , I looked up the peasy method and it doesn't look that bad so I think maybe you too should consider it.

I'm horny as I'm writing but let's keep fighting!

Anonymous 4890


god I hate how society has collectively told everyone 'haha masturbation and porn is natural' I HATE IT! I noticed a year after I started masturbation the awful effects it had on my body: anxieties, passiveness, lessened energy, shit like that. GOD!

Anonymous 4895

Masturbation is definitely normal, even animals do it

But porn isn't

Anonymous 6593

women can definitely get addicted to porn but I think women view it less (and therefore are not as likely to get addicted) because of how little amount of porn there is that cater to women


Anonymous 6594


ALLAEGEDLY we make up a third of PornHub users, but I have a hunch these figures are heavily skewed by bots and men who get off pretending to be women.

Anonymous 6647

the data could be weighing a female visitor who uses the site once a year for fifteen minutes the same as a male visitor who logs in for hours every day.

Anonymous 6649

Interesting that Germany and the Netherlands, both countries with legal prostitution, rank pretty low. Japan basically has legal prostitution too and also is low. Almost as if women who are more likely to have abusive sexual experiences IRL don’t want to watch videos of the same thing.

Anonymous 6650

>Almost as if women who are more likely to have abusive sexual experiences IRL don’t want to watch videos of the same thing.

Just because prostitution is legal in some form doesn't mean all women there are whores or traumatized. So few women are actual sex workers that it shouldn't directly impact the numbers THAT much…

Anonymous 6652

why do less developed countries have more women porn users?

Anonymous 6653

This is just one Western pornsite dumbass. Most nips probably have never heard of that site but watch loli tentacle rape porn daily

Anonymous 6657

First world countries watch hentai

Anonymous 11732

no one should eat hamburgers and no one should be watching porn either

Anonymous 11764

This thread is really old but for any nonas lurking and curious about the subject: I found that quitting cold turkey worked best.
Porn addiction is really shitty, I would watch progressively more degenerate shit, just stopping one day was better than any other method I ever tried.
Since I had never masturbated without any sort of stimuli I was unbearably horny, after like two weeks I discovered how to do it using my imagination, now months later I'm pretty well adjusted and masturbate once every 1/2 weeks.
It gets better, you can overcome it :D

Anonymous 11766

thank you Nona, I relapsed and I needed this.

Anonymous 11769

Masturbation is healthy and fun. Maybe just limit it a bit and keep fetish porn to once a week and try to do it without porn for the rest of the week.

Also some non sexual hobby is good, ideally something without a computer.

Anonymous 11770

Any hobby of yours you'd recommend? (please not going to the gym)

Anonymous 11776

How do you get addicted to fetish porn?

Anonymous 11778

Not getting laid & internet addiction

Anonymous 11984

I do well powerlifting in the gym. Other than that cooking, photography and sometimes crocheting. How are you dealing with your porn addiction so far?

Anonymous 12286

A year late but consider the fact that the Philippines is a country where "get a white boyfriend even if he is actively disloyal, mid-tier and in heavy debt" is equivalent to "get a plane ticket out of the Philippines" which is a massive incentive to fantasize and daydream and develop fixations on the kinds of visuals that an english-language porn video host can offer.

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