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Anonymous 4659

I want to stop having a rape fetish

Had it since 12 it is the only thing I fap to and it disgusts plus triggers me. I want it away

Anonymous 4660

are you a woman?

Anonymous 4661

Are you actually asking me this

Anonymous 4662

unironically seek therapy

Anonymous 4663


Anonymous 4664

I don't have access
I feel that is common knowledge that this is a big issue with alot of women,
I haven't even been thru sa wtf

Anonymous 4665

force yourself to fap to something else so your brain is rewarded for something else?
also make sure you're not confusing anxiety with being turned on. Both feelings have some similar physical responses, such as increased heart rate, which might explain why it triggers and disgusts you but also feels like a fetish.

Anonymous 4666

when you watch this kind of stuff, do you imagine yourself getting raped, or raping the girl? just curious. and idk i think those claims are overblown, plus, this happens to be a lot of default porn because men like rape porn, so of course people will fall into these niches and develop interests in them

Anonymous 4667

Interesting thank you, hard since it's been years of this but I will

Anonymous 4668

The girl I guess,I remember it starting with being intrigued by implied rape in movies. Don't watch the porn so I don't think it is that

Idk it seems ever since a young age the thought of having loving non abusive relationships with others seemed alien

So maybe that is why??I literally can't think why

Anonymous 4669

what do you masturbate to if you don't watch the porn?

maybe that is it. i think sometimes when sexual interests are developing though, when we're younger, people get caught in these developmental sexual ruts and if you don't push yourself out of them, you'll get stuck and develop fucking weird fetishes. i've seen it happen to a lot of moids. i've not spoken to women about it so idk but i def have seen this with moids.

Anonymous 4670

I find it interesting that you avoided answering the question. Do you have a uterus?

Anonymous 4671

>I feel that is common knowledge that this is a big issue with alot of women

LOL get help moid

Anonymous 4672

>I feel that is common knowledge that this is a big issue with alot of women
moid detected

Anonymous 4678

I have been posting since 2018 wtf are you on about

Anonymous 4679

Look, if you have a rape fetish just come out and say it. Don't imply that it's normal and that "we women" must also have rape fetishes or something because it's "common knowledge" (moidspeak referring to women as aggregate statistics rather than individuals.)

Anonymous 4680

I already said I do and want to stop,what I meant to say is that it is a thing that happens since you were accusing me of lying

Anonymous 4681

>you were accusing me of lying
No, I wasn't. You may have noticed that this is an anonymous board, and not every user responding to you is the same person. If it is something you truly wish to rid yourself of, you should not be focusing on the other hypothetical women you believe also have this problem, but yourself.

Anonymous 4683

Don't worry, consensual rape is oxymoron so you don't actually have a rape fetish (if you imagine being the one getting "raped" that is). You just have a power dynamics and rough sex fetish.

Anonymous 4684

She said earlier she has a fetish towards raping other women. That's absolutely not healthy nor consensual. The bitch needs professional help.

Anonymous 4685

Pretty sure she meant fantasizing about being raped

Anonymous 4688

>yourself getting raped, or raping the girl?
>The girl I guess

Anonymous 4704

It is about me getting raped

Anonymous 4705

I started masturbating to thoughts of getting rapped when I was 13 before I ever watched porn

Anonymous 4706

I get that but i still don't like having such thoughts

Anonymous 5272

Update i still have this shit issue and i hate the anons who flamed me for something i have no control over and i also dislike

Anonymous 5455


Anonymous 5457

Did you ask her why? Did you give her more details about why you don't think it's right to have these thoughts and why you want it away?
I think she wanted you to stop feeling guilty about it first, and she didn't actually mean "wanting to be raped is good". She might consider a rape fantasy a problem in itself if it starts affecting your real life, but if you can keep it "under control" and only in your imagination, and if it doesn't interfere in your daily life, there's no need to feel bad about it. That's what my therapist said about me watching porn, when I told her that I felt bad about liking it so much.

BUT if your therapist actually refused to help you get rid of your fetish when you directly told her that you want to get rid of it, that's fucked up. My therapist asked me: "do YOU really want to stop watching porn?" She was ready to help me if I said yes, but in all honesty, I didn't really want that and said no, so she asked me if I am able to control my porn consumption (in a way that I can do my daily activities and concentrate on things without that getting in the way). I said yes and she told me there's no need to feel guilty about it then.

Besides, >>4683
Rape fantasies are different from reality so it's practically impossible for those fantasies to happen in real life. If you actually wanted to be raped for real and enjoyed putting yourself in real danger in hopes of being raped, that would be concerning. So maybe this is what your therapist meant, and she wasn't being "sex positive" (in the way you implied). But of course I might be wrong about that. I know American therapists have an abysmal reputation for being completely useless and not giving a fuck about your well-being. I'm not American.
>mine stemmed from being raped and it's a form of self harm for me
So it sounds like it's a coping mechanism for you, I see.
>having an actual professional say something that's on par with doing drugs or cutting yourself is actually totally fine is fucked up imo lmao
Imo not really because yours are just thoughts, not actions. You should've definitely asked her to explain just to be sure what she meant by that. If you want to get rid of a negative coping mechanism, you have to acknowledge it as such first. You know that being obsessed, disgusted and feeling guilty about a thought might make you lose control over it and turn it into an intrusive thought. So accepting your coping mechanism of rape fantasies might be the first step.

I wonder how this happened. Did you just start to imagine what really went on in those implied rape scenes in movies? Have you tried moving from violent rape fantasies to consensual sex ones little by little?

Anonymous 5461


> why

I think it might have been because for some rape victims this fetish can also be some kind of cathartic therapeutic thing to better process it and "relive it in a controlled environment". Maybe her therapist assumed that instead of self-harm, and didn’t want to judge it.

Anonymous 5931

>why women fantasize about rape en masse

It's well explained here:


Reasons like:

Sexual blame avoidance
Proof of desirability
Desire to be punished (in case of low self-esteem)

Anonymous 5971

acc interesting

Anonymous 5974

The fucking comments
>that's females for ya, they don't know what they want either
Then how could the chart be created and the data collected if supposedly every answer would be "idk"

Anonymous 5975

You can not know and claim to have knowledge pretty easily. Moids do it all the time. Having an actual response doesn't mean you "know" because it isn't a pre-requirement.

Anonymous 7253


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