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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 4710

I was a virgin even through longterm relationships but I ended up meeting this guy who took my virginity the night I met him (we spoke online for a long time) and we usually fuck in parking lots, he started recording it without asking me but I didn't really care. In a way it kind of turns me on to feel like a slut. Idk. He never uses protection either and never asked me abt it but is bery good with pulling out. The first few times he kept talking about how he was gonna stretch me out, I can't tell if hes the type to fetishize virgins. We have a bit of an age gap but its not so weird.

I wish he would love me but its the closest I've got.

Anonymous 4713

You will have him, but he will never love you.

Anonymous 4717

He tells me he loves me..

Anonymous 5195

moids are good at lying

Anonymous 5196

I think you can do better and are worth more than being someone's possible fetish buffet option. Also the pull-out method is only about 78% effective so that's a 22% chance of getting pregnant each time you fuck.

Anonymous 5230

how can someone be this naive.. , my dear, cut ties asap.

Anonymous 5257


Nona, I hope you can update us to tell us you're in a better place now.

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