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fish bowl helmet.j…

Anonymous 4712

why do moids always want rectal sex so much?

Anonymous 4714

It's a power problem. They feel useless because other people pressure them into being overpowering

Anonymous 4721


You mean you pegging him or the other way around?

Anonymous 4730

My conspiracy theory is they like it because they know women can't come that way. But whenever I say that someone always pipes up and says they love anal actually so I dunno.

Anonymous 4735

Anuses probably appear more visually appealing to them, with all the vitriol you see regarding labia online. Also porn.

Anonymous 4740

they want you to cum from it (unrealistically), but they like that it makes you uncomfortable. they want to be pushing your boundaries basically.

Anonymous 4761

It’s a desire to try everything with a new gal, especially if it’s a dislike if yours. Men are like that. Once a guy knows he can put it anywhere he won’t choose your ass unless he has a fetish.

Anonymous 4782


I think some men are just naturally curious but that can't account for the current interest in anal.

Then porn as others have said. The usual progression of becoming accustomed and bored with certain practices and escalating them in case of strong porn use or abuse.

Last but not least I read an article that mentioned that maybe men perceive women who engage in anal as extremly aroused and sexual and that is a turn-on for them. Because those women are perceived as so horny, they will engage in all kinds of sexual acts and anal sex gladly even if it's taboo or not necessarily the most pleasurable or dirty. I think this is one of the better reasons to be interested in it if it's true.


Anonymous 4796


I say, it is historically-repressed homosexuality directly descended from Greco-Roman civilization, tbh.
Kind of a similar thing with that "inherited trauma" that occurs from Holocaust survivor to their descendants or something, but sexually.

Anonymous 4797

The Greeks didn't actually have anal that much. They practiced intercrural sex.

Anonymous 4901

>Inherited trauma
Lol k

Anonymous 4932

porn, it's all porn and wanting to violate our boundaries. men have admitted this to me. the physiology of the anus just makes it less pleasurable for them anyways but it's just the porn and the psychological aspect that turns them on. automatically disgusting, irredeemable status if they want to fuck your ass.

Anonymous 5008

Because they see it in porn? I can't get off without some kind of stimulation there but I've also never had a good anal experience with a man. Maybe that's because I'm mostly into women, or maybe it's because men aren't considerate. Gay guys are probably better at this.

Anonymous 5303

I will never understand why men would even consider anal. If I were a guy, you best believe my dick would be my pride and glory. I would cherish it. The thought of ever putting it in a literal shithole would be unimaginable. Moids who want to put their dicks in assholes deserve to have their dicks cut off because they clearly don't appreciate having a penis.

Anonymous 5305

gay guys have prostates, totally different ball game for them.

Anonymous 5337

porn has definitely pushed this aesthetic of the anus as somehow tighter and cleaner (lmao) than pussy thanks to bleaching and no hair or whatever, plus the idea that a woman's not the "real deal" or "hardcore" enough if she doesn't do anal

Anonymous 5431

Guys like the look of our asses.

People, everybody, want what they can't have.

It's that simple.

Anonymous 5433

Anal orgasms are something else. But then, I can orgasm giving a bj. It's all about your mindset.

Anonymous 5435

ngl I think my friends who won't even try anal are missing out, and I guess I subconsciously look down on them for not even trying.

Anonymous 5438

Tangent: would you like a thread with trannies penetrating moids?

Anonymous 5439


Anonymous 5440

Why would I want that? That's such a male fetish

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