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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 4727

Has anyone ever been came on? Did you enjoy the experience when it happened to you?
I used to ask my ex if he could cum on me all the time, it made me feel good. I didn’t feel dirty and it was sort of a guilty pleasure.
The cum felt so warm when it secreted from his body, i felt like I was being rewarded every time he left it on me.

Anonymous 4732

I liked the idea when I was a virgin but reality ruined sex for me in a lot of ways

Anonymous 4739

That image makes me glad I will die a virgin. Semen is disgusting.

Anonymous 4760

>Has anyone ever been came on?
Lol yeah. How do these people think girls who are irresponsible prevent gregnant?
>Did you enjoy the experience when it happened to you?
Yes. I wish I was more wholesome with my fetishes but something about cum on me makes sex nastier and hotter

Anonymous 4846


Yes. After passionate sex towards him climaxing when I'm pleased I'm just happily waiting for the finish. As long as I received all the stimulation I need (I can't orgasm sadly, only reach a certain level of stimulation after which I'm happy), I'm down to get cum on. And it seems normal enough to me then. As another anon said there is no risk to get pregnant like this either (since condoms can break).

Anonymous 4999

My ex once came on my face by accident, he got really flustered and kept apologizing; I had to go take a shower and wash my hair. Wasn't anything special and I honestly think it's kind of gross, in retrospect. It's messy and dirty, but I guess that's what some of you enjoy.

Anonymous 5006

Anonymous 5078

I wanted to try it, but the guy I was with admitted he had a sinking feeling in his gut and felt like he would lose all respect for me if he looked down to see me with cum on my face.

Anonymous 5079

emotional breastfe…

Eh, women have a variety of (sexual) preferences and interests), it's fine. The effortposting with the pictures makes me think it is, however. Also not even going to address the talk about about using the pull-out method as viable birth control. Good luck with your child, s.
Asked my partner to cum on my face once because I had seen it in porn and though it was hot. It's kind of neat but I realised I found it appealing bc it was meant to be ""degrading"". As >>5078 mentions, I think it's one of those things that though technically neutral it never actually is because it's always in this weird porn context of the semen being a reward, or it being disgusting and degrading. Unfortunately no sex act is without some valuation because it's within our capitalist, misogynist, pornified cultural context.

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