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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 4756

It happened sisters, notwhorosethinks did what he planned to do and quit making ASMR/soundgasm content and removed any existing social media/audio online.

Anyone have any soundgasm recommendations that sound like him? Or saved any of his work?

Also, audio thread.

Anonymous 4783


Anonymous 4788

What the fuck, why? Seriously every single audio is gone? Goddamn it this sucks

Anonymous 4791

Yea he wiped everything. He had a mostly female fanbase so probably everyone is going to observe an honor system and not make public reuploads even if they did save anything.

Anonymous 4822

These sound good and I like the first scenario so far even though I don't know wtf he's saying.

Anonymous 5625

this is actually the worse news ever. literally everdistant utopia just got back and then notwhorosethinks leaves kms

if anyone has his audios pls

Anonymous 5626

What were his audios like? Porn? Relaxing stuff?

Anonymous 6104

does anyone have recs for audios? im looking for guys with an american accent with a voice that isnt too masculine. raspy "creep" sounding voice preferred. degrading/rape/kidnapping sort of themes.
i used to devour audios, but in the last couple years ive been underwhelmed by what the community has turned into. it seems to mostly be on reddit now with tons of generic ddlg stuff. also, a few of my all time favorites have wiped their audios. jeez, i remember so many late nights during my teenage years listening to rape audio after rape audio, thinking it was the best thing ever…

Anonymous 6125

fuck, does anyone have the deleted post?

Anonymous 6140


I made an erotic audio for fun and I actually came a little, but it's embarrassing and I don't want to listen back to it
I really wish I had an equally degenerate female friend to share things like this with so she can tell me if it's good and what to work on re: acting. How do you even get a friendship like that?

Anonymous 6143

Is the point to become a better at it or to flirt the friend in question?

Anonymous 6151

The former mostly, but I wouldn't be opposed to the latter honestly

Anonymous 6152

Well, my advice comes from writing smut so things might be different for audios. Hopefully you still get something out of it.
1) Imo the trick is to find a nice balance between having fun yourself and focusing on what the listener's expectations. Being bi helps a lot with that, since I can often just write things I would personally like to read.
2) Ultimately, it'll help if you can listen to your work, even if it's cringe at first. You'll always be the best judge for yourself afterall. If you're aiming to have an audience, you might wanna start with places that have high anonymity like here or the sexy audios threads on 4chan's /soc/. Having people literally orgasm to your work can be quite an ego boost. It sure was for me.
3) Experiment. What happens if you put the mic closer? How does it sound if you make a bugs bunny impression? What if you speak faster or slower etc.

Hopefully you'll be able to make yourself and other people cum a little with your voice!

Anonymous 6153


Where do you even find stuff like this? Does anyone have any recommendations for good content?

Anonymous 6154

Thanks for the tips, anon! I hope so too. It's hard to think of what swathes of other people like (or even how much of my own likes I want to share with others), but I guess trial and error is the only way through. Writing smut is fun, too, though I have trouble concentrating on it
>you might wanna start with places that have high anonymity like here or the sexy audios threads on 4chan's /soc/.
Huh. I'd feel pretty safe sharing stuff here tbh, it's slow but that makes it feel nicer and more private somehow. Maybe sometime I'll just post what I make. At worst, it'll be cringy, but it won't really matter in the long run ig
>Having people literally orgasm to your work can be quite an ego boost. It sure was for me.
Yes, favorite thing <3

Anonymous 6155

Try r/gonewildaudio. It's where notwhorosethinks used to post his stuff, and there's practically every type of content there

Anonymous 6156

>Maybe sometime I'll just post what I make
Nice!.. Not that I'd be looking forward to it of course, just curious…
But yeah make sure you're clear about what you wanna share or not. Some audios might be just for you like a diary. Some just for your SO or that friend you're looking for.

Anonymous 6157

>No moids can post here
>You will never cum to their soothing voice

Anonymous 6158

Just smoke like a chimney for ten years and cum buckets to your own voice, it's easy nona.

Anonymous 6163

because of this thread i tried looking for audios and not an hour later and i'm coming to a f4f audio, i feel conflicted about this and want to forget about it

Anonymous 6167

>knows a streamer with a smooth, sexy and soothing as fuck voice
HAHAHA not telling you who it is

what's that?

Anonymous 6173

>what's that?
Female for female, sorry to disappoint if you were expecting something spicy.

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