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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


My husband and I have foursomes with other couples Anonymous 4804

My husband and I have foursomes with other couples. It turns me on when I’m watching him with another woman and he sees me with her husband. What’s your opinion on foursomes?

Anonymous 4806

It's not my thing and I actually felt deeply repulsed by reading your post. But it isn't my place to judge, you do you.

Anonymous 4823

you have moid energy

Anonymous 4847

Have you ever been to swinger clubs?

Anonymous 4848

>OP tries to make us jealous and fails spectacularly

Anonymous 4873

degenerate bs everyone knows you're lying cuckqueen

Anonymous 4881

Cucked again, anon. I guess it's okay.

Anonymous 4882

I'd love to try it, but I don't think it will happen anytime soon.

Anonymous 4891

Gentle reminder that having sex with other people kills a relationship.

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