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Anonymous 4849

I don't know if this counts as a fetish thread but I made it here just to be safe.

I have a lifelong interest / obsession with gender bending manga and fiction. Sometimes girl to boy but mostly boy to girl. I'm really into feminization, sometimes sexual but often for nonsexual reasons. But. I think that men into feminization is the biggest turn off ever. Can anyone relate?

Anonymous 4850

I'm not sure if I get it right, but I believe that is very normal anon. I hate moids that try to get girls by trying to be more "feminine", but I really like the ones who are feminine more naturally. I guess it's more than a feeling than the feminization by aesthetic itself.

Anonymous 4851

I like femininity in men but I'm speaking about something else. I have a lifelong friend who is a guy. I used to fantasize about us going to an all girl's high-school where he's forced to attend in drag. I'd imagine helping him dress and wear makeup and helping keep his secret. Of course nothing cool ever happens in real life so I just always nag him to crossplay at cons. He is feminine but the fact that he's not naturally into crossdressing is part of the appeal.

Anonymous 4852

Sounds like the nonconsensual element is really important to the fantasy.

Anonymous 4853

BnHA 1496713971846…

I wouldn't call it an obsession, just a minor fetish, but I pretty much feel the same way OP. The reluctance/embarrassment aspect is also a necessary component for me to enjoy feminization.

I think it stems from one of my earliest sexually-charged experiences. I was in a mixed group of guys and girls, drinking, and playing strip-Super-Smash-Bros. But even though the guys had started drinking earlier than us, and with a large handicap of extra lives for the girls, it still seemed unfair; since the girls didn't really wanna see the guys naked as much as visa-versa. So Anonette (whose house we were at) had the bright idea that the guys would also have to put on some of her more feminine clothing, once they had nothing else to strip off.

Maybe it's just a coincidence, and even without that experience, I still would have developed this fetish. Maybe through reading gender-bending manga, or maybe I was born with this predilection. But I still like to blame Anonette's bright idea for giving me this fetish. My one consolation is that she was punished; a bunch of her clothes got stretched-out and ruined by the guys' wide frames.

Anonymous 4885


I'm pretty sure you like the embarrassment of men crossdressing or so rather than them being actively into it.
Can relate since I love this too, but I also like it when men are very confident of their prettiness (e.g., Kuranosuke from Kuragehime).

Anonymous 4886

is it still bad if they’re secretly enjoying it but can’t admit it or is it only a turn off if they openly like it and ask for it? to me the former is the best thing ever, the latter is a bit of a turnoff but it depends how they act I guess.

Anonymous 4899

I like that too. I just don't like male crossdressing fetishists.

Anonymous 6534

I want to explore this but I hate the idea of a moid getting humiliated by being feminine and being aroused by that humiliation. Being feminine is not humiliating, that's such a gross worldview. This makes any guy with a crossdress fetish a red flag for me, but somehow I still have this fantasy for it. I want to dress my boyfriend up but I'm worried about how he'd feel.

Anonymous 6545

>Being feminine is not humiliating

>This makes any guy with a crossdress fetish a red flag for me

The whole "humiliation" crossdressers are just a subgenre. Many crossdresses are either autogynephilical or wear feminine clothing out of aesthetics.

My sub for instance likes to wear lingerie because he feels more "desired" by me. It's not humiliating for him, but rather a way for him to tease me into wanting to peg him, and in some way even "empowering" (as it is basically his way to try to stimulate me into sex).

Anonymous 6587

>hnnng, I really wanna forcefem a moid
>but only forcefem, if he's into it, I'm out
Honestly, I kinda see where the moids get it from, tbh

Anonymous 7060

It could be "masculine = has to act and do" "feminine = has to receive and submit passively"

Anonymous 7241

>Being feminine is not humiliating, that's such a gross worldview
Yeah but it would be to a guy understandably. Because they are men and supposed to be masculine
It's like if you were complimented for your nice manly moustache and big man hands as a woman

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