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Does anyone here have a mommy kink? Anonymous 5106

I have no idea why but being called mommy turns me so much on. I also like when a guy is psychologically dependant on me and always needs my help. Does anyone else have this sort of preference? If yes, have you ever tried this relationship dynamic irl? I honestly dont know how to tell a dude I am into mdlb (and how to be in this kind of relationship without being awkward for that matter).

Anonymous 5108

no, people with these fetishes are really gross, especially men. this is a rabbithole i would never want to go down. it's not just expressing appreciation for a dominant female figure or something, this is opening up a wormhole to a really disgusting fetish that is so nasty and gross.

Anonymous 5124

>psychologically dependant on me and always needs my help
This is all men regardless of kinks involved. I don't enjoy men living out stupid and directionless existences but I do like being called mommy because I want the man to show me that he acknowledges it.

>I honestly dont know how to tell a dude

You don't have to. Just start babying him without asking and he'll fall into place. Call yourself "mommy" to them as a joke and they'll get used to it and eventually pick up on it. Both traditionalists and modern men want their girlfriend to baby them and take care of everything in their lives.

Anonymous 5131

I've given it a go with an ex, I felt weird being called that. I dunno if I'd do it again with anyone else. It's nice to be recognised as a dom though.

Anonymous 5169

I also feel uncomfortable with being attracted to having someone depend on me and treating me like a guardian or carer I guess. I like being nurturing and stuff but at first I didn't let him call me mommy because having the title of a relative feels gross. I think he forgot because a few months later he started calling me mommy smh. Now I recognize he doesn't see me as his actual mother but it still feels strange sometimes.

Anonymous 5278

I am literally the perfect cute mommy gf, with slightly dominant characteristics during sex. Hopefully I'll be able to experience it irl someday.

Anonymous 5844


I like being called mistress more than mommy

Anonymous 5846

It's fun to indulge in once in a blue moon.

Anonymous 5874

Yeah, it's my worst interest honestly but I wouldn't mind a mdlb/mdlg sort of dynamic. Not with diapers or anything like that, but caring for someone is fulfilling to me.

Specifically spoonfeeding a partner or bathing them is appealing. I also like the mommy meme stuff like having someone rest on my thighs, or standing up for them in public. And spanking.

Going the whole way just feels like pedoshit, but my fantasies do align with it.

Anonymous 5880

I have a mommy kink, except I'm the little. Yes, I feel extremely shameful about it and it is a 100% because of my terrible relationship with my real mother and family.

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