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/nsfw/ - xxx


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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 5259

I wish we could share and dump porn here on /nsfw/. This place is pretty civil compared to 4chan where moids have been ruining threads/boards and shitty moderators that don't bother to clean up the mess.

Anonymous 5260

On the one hand, I agree. It would be cool to see exactly what gets everyone else here off, and to stick it to the anti-porn crowd on the other boards.
On the other hand, this place does have moids, even if there are only a few, and I don't trust them to not fuck it up if given the chance.

Anonymous 5261

The buttball thread is still around

Anonymous 7794

There used to be a straight shota thread that had a whole bunch of great pics, but it got deleted when they decided to ban shota. I hope it got archived.

Anonymous 7795

the what?

Anonymous 7797


It was a collection of pictures like this one.

Anonymous 7798

i haven't seen any thread like that

Anonymous 7801

On the one hand, if we can't post them here, then we could always recommend other places we go or specific videos or images, just on other websites (if that's not against the rules). That could be a way to see what we all get off to without actually having any of the images or videos here.

On the other hand, this could be abused. I don't know, really.

Anonymous 7802

why was posting porn banned?

Anonymous 7804

I agree but I don't think the admin here is interested in allowing porn dumps, even if they're 2D. At least for now, the threads will have to stay on 4chan.
I haven't visited the most recent threads (/h/ and /aco/) I hope nothing particularly bad happened.

Go back to Fujochan and don't come back

Anonymous 7808

It would be nice but I guess it was being done too much.

Didnt find it its probs burried so far down I wont bother searching. But I love moid butt.

Personally I dont care because they are just drawings of characters that dont even exist.

Anonymous 7809

Admin wanted to make room for actual discussions about sex life. Having a "nsfw" board is also a moid magnet hence why it's hidden

Image dumps are banned but if you want to find female friendly content and share it I'm sure it'd be ok to make a thread for sharing artists etc.See >>4745

Anonymous 7821

i like this gif, but it is too goofy to be a turn on.

Anonymous 8033

>Personally I dont care because they are just drawings of characters that dont even exist.
Typical pedophile excuse. Imagine unironically believing pedophiles when they claim to not be attracted to real life kids despite the fact that they can't coom to anything other than depictions of kids.

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