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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 5265

Can anyone else cum by putting a vibrator between your thighs against your pussy and squeezing your legs together while crossed? I thought this was common and it's the only way I can cum (I'm on an SSRI and idk how related that is) but my friends who I've asked about it were like wtf are you talking about

Anonymous 5268

So after some investigation, it turns out that I can cum from this, and that it's pretty good. I'll probably keep doing it. Now you know at least someone else does it lmao

Anonymous 7052

I am sorta interested in getting a vibrator because cumming is kind of hard. My only fear is that I will only be able to cum with a vibrator after that and I'll be even less sensitive than I already am using my fingers. Is this a dumb concern?

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