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does anyone else have a hypnosis kink? Anonymous 5270

This is pretty embarrassing to write tbh but is anyone else into hypnosis? I know a lot of it is misogynistic and I shouldn’t like it but the idea of someone having total control of my mind and body just really does something to me. there is a lot of roleplaying involved but I sometimes fantasise about meeting a genuine hypnotist who’s able to put me under his spell. Can someone please make me feel less alone about feeling this way lol

Anonymous 5274


i want to hypnotise a moid

Anonymous 5275

Yeah I get this anon. I think the psychological element actually appeals to me way more than the sexual side. “Nonsexual” hypnosis can be very hot

Anonymous 5276


did this scene make anyone feel weird as a child

Anonymous 5277

You want to surrender to a man? Another confirmation of black pill feminism.

Anonymous 5279

lol I remember this exact scene

Anonymous 5283


You are not alone

Anonymous 5291


Stuff like this can be hot too

Anonymous 5383

dude this is my biggest fetish

Anonymous 5384

It's like she wants to be a service top

Anonymous 5387

What does this even mean

Anonymous 5388

She likes pleasing the dude and it is a requirement for her to be satisfied

Anonymous 5393

I really like hypnosis and have my husband hypnotize me, it's a really fun time.

Anonymous 5394

How does it work, do you just pretend to be hypnotized?

Anonymous 5400

I feel hypnotized, I do things while hypnotized, I comply while hypnotized. Do I feel like I could, like, resist at anytime? Yes, but I don't want to, and if I only want to do things that the hypnotist is telling me to do, aren't I be definition hypnotized?

Maybe a practical example would help. My husband has me trained to orgasm on command. When he commands it, I orgasm. Does me having an orgasm when he tells me to count as me "playing along" or am I actually hypnotized?

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