
General Nipple Sucking + Lactation Anonymous 528
does anyone love having their nipples sucked on
like i mean, really sucked on. like for 20-30 minutes at a time. Sadly, my current partner isn't good at it. I don't know what it is that they do, but it hurts my nippies instead of making them feel good.
I've always toyed around the idea of ANR, but idk, I don't think that can occur if you never get pregnant.
If you don't know what ANR is, it stands for adult nursing relationship. At least one of the partners will be a girl and usually, after repeated controlled sessions of sucking, the girl will eventually produce milk on her own (if she's been pregnant before).
Anonymous 529
Newbie question but does that only happen if you've been pregnant before? I'd like to give my titty milk to someone but I've never been pregnant before
Anonymous 564
>>528It's normal to enjoy it - I think it's a natural thing, to encourage breastfeeding. Also, i'm fairly certain prior pregnancy isn't required to lactate
Anonymous 567
I really like to think about having my nipples sucked on but…I don’t even know how to explain…I get this weird feeling of uneasiness/anxiety/depression as soon as I(or anyone) start stimulating it? shitsux.
Anonymous 587
>>529It is not a requirement but makes things easier. There are hormones (i forgot the name, too lazy to look up) that trick your body into lactation. You could always go without hormones, it just takes longer.
Anonymous 598
>>587This sounds fucking amaizing
Anonymous 652
Best kink but can never find any decent content on it :(
Anonymous 653
>>652Ugh IK, I'll try and link videos to this thread if I come across any decent/good ones since it's hard to find
Anonymous 654
I want to do this with my partner but I don't wanna take hormones. Does anyone know if sucking daily would work?
Anonymous 656
>>654http://motherhow.com/lactation-without-pregnancy/You have to set aside a consistent time each day if you want it to work (at least until you start actually lactating)
v this article is christian, but still helpful (lol)
https://www.uncoveringintimacy.com/adult-nursing-relationships/ Anonymous 694
Tfw no crystal gf 2 suk mi
Anonymous 707
>>694Are you lactating or do you want to start =3
Anonymous 774
>>528I love having my nipples sucked and ANR used to be one of my biggest fantasies. I still love the idea of having a girlfriend and us doing this to each other. Unfortunately, I only have a boyfriend at the moment…
Anonymous 856
>>567I get this too. I'm not sure what it is or why it happens,but it's lame af. Maybe it's just high sensitivity.
Anonymous 860
Is there a way to make them more sensitive? I can feel the touch, but that's pretty much it, it doesn't feel good or bad
Anonymous 894
Wish I was lactating
Anonymous 933
I want to suck a guy's nipples so badly. I think about it daily.
Just want to cuddle and suck his nips for a few hours, then nap afterwards.
Anonymous 934
>>933I feel the same anon. I get excited when I find whatever that has a woman sucking a guy's nipples with extra attention.
It's a painfully ignored sweet spot that needs more coverage.
Anonymous 935
>>933ugh same. i just love being smothered in a guys chest
Anonymous 956
my last two hookups really went to town on my boobs, I'm a cup. I was really surprised because as you say, no one does boobs nowadays.
Anonymous 972
>>933>>934>>935I agree 100%. A guy's chest and nipples are so extremely attractive and cute. It's such a strangely relaxing yet erotic feeling being able to lick and suck on them.
Anonymous 1775

>>528It takes like 600 calories a day out of you. You could eat that extra piece of cake with that.
Anonymous 1826
>>1775that lip bite on the blonde girl was lesbian me in hs lmao
Anonymous 1977
I'm so fucking pathetic. My recurrent fantasy is anyone, male or female, sucking my nipples for a while while I'm sitting and they're sort of lying sideways on me. One of the best parts of the fantasy is that the person actually enjoys and desires my breasts, and that what they're doing isn't a chore for them, but that it's what they want to do. It makes me cry thinking about how I'm never going to find anyone who doesn't mock my breasts or suggest implants or have to draw attention consistently to how small they are. I just want someone who is okay with them as they are and loves doing things to them. I'm fine with their size but it hurts knowing they're fucking ugly and deformed to the rest of the world
Anonymous 1978
>>1977iktf anon.
I just want to have mommy gf energy but I'm stuck with a-cups. It's even kind of funny looking since I'm broad everywhere else (shoulders and hips), so it's the one ingredient missing.
At least
you like them! I like mine, too. Better than hating them ourselves on top of everyone else, eh?
Anonymous 1979
>>1977>>1978If it makes you feel any better I'm 32A and my bf and I do this a lot. I'll make him suck on my nipples for 20 minutes or so and he really gets in it (I actually get sore from how enthusiastic he is lmao). Sometimes he'll pause to stop and look at them and tell me how beautiful they are. Sometimes randomly throughout the day when I hug him I'll press his face against my chest and he loves it, despite them being way smaller than average. It turns me on because I'm this small petite girl turning this huge guy into putty just from holding him close to my chest. Ugh. So hopefully that gives you hope that you don't need huge knockers, just someone who loves you and appreciates your body as it is.
On the flip side, sometimes I'll suck on his nipples too. He doesn't have muscular pecs (which was a huge preference before I met him) but I absolutely love his chest and nipples and think they're so cute. So just goes to show preferences like that can even change.
Anonymous 1986
I loooove having my nipples sucked on.
Luckily my boyfriend has a lactation kink, but unfortunately I cannot lactate since I’m not pregnant, and we don’t plan on having children anytime soon since we are both not ready.
>>656Oooh, this is very helpful!! I was wondering about this. Thank you.
Are there any Anons with no children that started practicing with a breast pump? If so, did it work? What was your schedule with a breast pump like?
I really want my boyfriend to be able to drink my milk.Anonymous 2022
>>1977 and what is challenging for me is that my first boyfriend did all that to me. I miss the feeling of my sore nipples all bruised from his mouth and teeth. It's an oddly satisfying feeling. He really loved my breasts, he would massage them and pay a lot of attention to them. My recent ex never did anything for me sexually, and he clearly preferred large breasts and would suggest implants then "take it back" and compliment my breasts, which made it worse because then I felt like he was never sincere when he complimented them. It's hard with my current bf because he does pay a little attention to them, but he has mentioned that they are small multiple times and has made the whole "you have small breasts but i like small breasts better anyway" speech which made me annoyed because it sounds like coddling to me. I don't believe him either because he clearly isn't as genuinely fascinated with my breasts as my first bf was. But my first bf was a virgin, so now with my track record of people not caring for my breasts, it makes me think maybe that's the only reason he was okay with my breasts, which makes me really sad to think that the only reason why my breasts would ever get the attention I want them to get is if I were with another virgin.
Mine are a 32C-32D but they look much smaller than that.
Sorry for the rant. I am happy your boyfriend treats you like a queen in that regard, it is good to know men like that exist.
Anonymous 2037
>>2022I want to offer you reassurance because my bf wasn't a virgin, so I don't think that had anything to do with it in your case too. Some men are just more present during intimacy and passionate about their partner's body… It has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them. Not to mention a lot of men are desensitized nowadays bc of porn. A long time ago men would get hard simply from pin-ups or seeing a naked woman. I think too much porn has simply ruined men's abilities to appreciate the female form. They are so used to the overacting and caricatures now.
Sorry to sperg about that but I really think it's a huge thing because it's almost like it brainwashes them, even men who look at it sparingly
Anonymous 2042
>>2037nta but this has always been unbelievable to me since I also went through a porn addicted phase, yet was still CRAZY turned on by people in real life, too. If anything I enjoyed a wider variety of bodies at that time than now haha. I only quit because it wasted a lot of time and I always got porn guilt, not because it was making me pornosexual.
Men really are simpler creatures. It's frustrating.
Anonymous 6559
Wonder what human milk tastes like.
Wish I had enough courage to try and make myself lactate, but then, mine probably tastes like pigeon poo and McDonald’s greasy air, since I eat trashy food.
Anonymous 10871
>>528Yay! I started trying this for a while and nothing was happening but the days before my period my breasts got puffy like they usually do before I get it and I got a drop of milk. I have consistently been able to have a drop or two whenever I do the marmet technique or with a pump but I haven't done it very consistently. I hope I can produce moar soon, I kinda want to surprise my ldr bf.
Anonymous 10883
>>10871Im told consistency is the key to producing milk.
Anonymous 10910
>hey, I'm totally into this kink!
>I'm lactose intolerant
Anonymous 12473
my bf does this thing where he plays with my nipple in one hand and lightly bites on my boob at the same time. its some of the best stimulation i've ever had - probably more intense than most clitoral stimulation for me. i wanna convince him to go harder with the biting and go longer because i feel like i could orgasm from it if done right
Anonymous 12678
One of my biggest fantasies is a hot girl kidnapping me and turning me into a cow for her, strapping my nipples to a milking machine making me produce milk for her. She should fuck me with a strap on that cums hormones that make me milky.
Anonymous 14802
This is my biggest and pretty much only kink/fetish. Either me lactating or my partner lactating, idc who it is.
My ultimate fantasy is to have a cute girl with big tiddies full and aching, and small droplets of milk coming from her nipples every so often. "Nona, I'm awfully full and heavy… Will you help me out?"
The cow girl outfits make it just that much better.