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2 harrassment redd…

Anonymous 5293

Seriously, how common is pedoism among moids?

Anonymous 5300

if you mean actual pedophilia it's rare
if you mean american pedophilia, so being attracted to adolescents who have grown into their bodies and can literally give birth, then it's 100% of men

Anonymous 5313

male sexuality bla…

Anonymous 5314

I don't think porn has anything to do with it, honestly. Adults being attracted to teens isn't a new pattern of behavior that's suddenly sprung up out of nowhere. I genuinely believe that most moids are attracted to girls far younger than 18 but can't speak about it openly because of the law, like what >>5313 study points to.

Anonymous 5328

take the "most men are pedophiles" pill

>One of the best indicators of men's involuntary sexual arousal in response to images is phallometry which consists in measuring penile tumescence. Multiple studies have been done to assess the male arousal profile in response to erotic stimuli featuring females of various ages.

>One of the first such studies by Freund and Costell (1970) involved 48 healthy young men of average age 20 enrolled in compulsory military service with no prior history of any mental or physical problems. These men underwent phallometry during the presentation of pictures of naked males and females in three age groups: children (4-10 yrs), adolescents (12-16 yrs) and adults (17-36 yrs).

>The strongest penile response was found for adult and adolescent females without significant difference between the two groups, with about 83-88% of males experiencing sexual arousal. Furthermore, 52-58% of healthy men experienced a positive penile response indicating some level of arousal to female children. The control response to males of all ages was low.

>This result has since been replicated many times over the following decades.

>Similarly, Becker-Blease et al. found in a sample of N = 531 undergraduate men that approximately 18% report having fantasized in the last 12 months about perpetrating child sexual abuse (e.g. "how often have you had fantasies about sex with a child?") and 8% had masturbated to these fantasies.

>Filip Schuster conducted a meta-analysis revealing that 22% of normal men show greater or equal sexual arousal to child stimuli than to adult stimuli. About 3% of men have a preference for pedophilia (mostly sexually aroused by prepubescents) and about 16% for hebephilia (mostly sexually aroused by pubescents).

>The scientific consensus is that arousal by child pornography is not necessarily indicative of the paraphilia to be attracted to females far under the legal age of consent, and indeed, such arousal is normal.

Anonymous 5331

This indicates that 3% of men are essentially obligate pedophiles. That might sound small, if one is ignorant of sexual statistics. 3% is an absolutely enormous number. And that's not just because it indicates tens of millions in the United States alone.
Observe how the percentage of men who identify as homosexual hovers around the 4% mark, but is often far below it. And understand that repression sometimes really actually works, so if pedophilia was no longer repressed we could expect it to balloon far beyond the figures for homosexual men, just as homosexual men's 4% mark constitutes a massive expansion over >1% figures from previous generations. And we all knew multiple homosexual men in high school or college, so double the number of gays you've seen and that's the number of secret pedos in the same crowd.
The percentage of men who are pedophiles is higher than the percentage of men who snort cocaine, which is a mere 2% of the male population. Cocaine is a multibillion dollar illegal business involving vast, complex trafficking networks and financial exchanges running through European banks and American intelligence agencies. There are entire countries where every single member of the population has been directly or indirectly harmed by the cocaine trade. A mere 2% of American men using cocaine has been enough to topple governments, destroy ecologies and subjugate millions. And there are more obligate pedophiles than that.
So, even the smallest slice of this data, concerning the irreparable obligate pedophiles, is insane. I don't want to believe this but at the same time I'm sure the study's methodology checks out.

Anonymous 5345

I wonder if this is due to the taboo of teenage girls.
Look at how attractiveness drops between ages 18 and 19. Why exactly at that age? Of course, this point is moot if the men weren't informed about the girls' ages.

Anonymous 5350

>Observe how the percentage of men who identify as homosexual hovers around the 4% mark, but is often far below it.
Identifying as a homosexual is irrelevant to this comparison. You would need to do philometry to determine how many men out of a given population develop arousal to homosexual imagery for the comparison to be valid. I doubt even the 3% of 'obligate pedophiles' as you refer to them 'identify' as pedophiles. I suppose we also need to clarify whether or not being a pedophile refers to "have urges to have sex with children" or "has sex with children", much like how "have urges to fuck men" and "has urges to fuck men" are two different things when referring to homosexual moids.

Anonymous 5351

>"have urges to fuck men" and "has urges to fuck men"
*actually fucks men

Anonymous 5375

I don't know about 30 years old, but do you think someone around 20 with a 17yo girl can be called a "pedophile"?

Anonymous 5981

The results of these studies make all the sense in world, biologically speaking.
Every animal on Earth starts mating the minute it becomes sexually mature. The only exception is humans, who become sexually mature at around 12-13, and this is only in the last 100-200 years. Teenagers get horny because their bodies are telling them they need to fuck, but as a society we understand that pregnancy will hurt them socially at that age not to mention human brains do not stop developing until you're around 28. It blows my mind that people are so shocked at this kind of stuff when everyone goes through puberty in their early teens. It feels like men are always talking about how much they love "milf"s nowadays but if you look outside for even a second, you'd realize men almost exclusively date younger women. Or at least they want to.

Anonymous 5982


I really doubt they were told the ages of the girls in the photos. Wouldn't that defeat the entire point of the study?

Anonymous 5984


Anonymous 5996

This graph is fake btw and not based on the study given. It was made by 4chan l*li apologists and turned into a meme

Anonymous 5999

I'm not sure most men are pedos but I'm pretty sure most would be more attracted to a 12 year old than a 40 year old.

Anonymous 6002

The truth is that men are sexually aroused by almost any non-fat woman.

Some low % of men are primeraly aroused by some specific group of women. Like pedos only like children, gerontophiliacs like elderly, but those are not normal people.

Normal people might have preferences but they still will get aroused by any healthy looking woman. Including the young ones.

If those 3% are pedos who can't be aroused by adult, I would agree to that number. But today people often speak of men who like both young and old as pedos. No way those are just 3%. More like 93%.

Anonymous 6186

The thing is that's not even the meat of the problem here. It's obvious moids are sperm dispensers, it's their basic life goal and it would make sense they're attracted to pretty much any woman, or a girl. The problem arises when the sperm dispensers think it's their natural right to fuck young girls, and it's the best case scenario. They feel entitled to a certain group of female humans, when they should just accept whatever pussy is given to them. They should not be the ones who choose.

Anonymous 6189

>They should not be the ones who choose.
Well in fact they don't. They only choose when they pay money.

Anonymous 6191

They pretend they do by shitting on women who don't fit certain standards. You also have to remember men are the gatekeepers of marriage and dating, because they invented the concept as it exists today, and they can choose if they can use you as a fucktoy or if they want to marry you.

Anonymous 11973

it is like in the movie, idocarcy. as we become more selfe domesticated. more and more moids, will become human garbage, until all moids are that.

Anonymous 11974

Considering how hard it would be to get an accurate percentage of men who are attracted to children and teenagers via a study, I say you should judge by your personal experience and experience of other women/girls. And judging by that, most men are attracted to teenagers and a good portion attracted to girls under 13.

The reason why male politicians and celebs are kiddie diddlers is because they're just like regular men but who were given power to get away with such crime more easily.

Anonymous 11990

>american pedophilia
why did this make me lol

Anonymous 12022

>they can choose if they can use you as a fucktoy or if they want to marry you.

obsession about marriage in some online circles is such a culturally specific thing.
i live in finland, and in nordic countries, it is normal now in long relationships, actually been for like 20 years, that you don't get married. people who don't get married are now the majority.
we have children, live together, and are a couple in every way, we just don't get married. it's really getting left behind as a relic. neither wants it.

like religion itself, no one goes to churches here or believes, or prays. churches are mostly closed and locked more and more often.

Anonymous 12023

>This graph is fake btw and not based on the study given.

i found it


"Forty-six subjects (57.5%) exhibited sexual arousal in response to the child consenting tapes that exceeded their sexual arousal in response to the contrast tapes"

"Most subjects (n = 63) used a cognitive method to inhibit sexual arousal (e.g., distracted self with neutral or aversive thought)"

Anonymous 12024

Anonymous 13736

i always hear it in connection with cars.

Could be that guys are just traumatized by the driver license education videos which teach you that
>oh there is a child near a street BE CAREFUL IT WILL TELEPORT IN FRONT OF YOUR CAR
like seriously. Also hitting a child with your car is like a death sentence no matter how stupid the child was. For an adult you could always say
>that retard didn't watch properly
but for children you lose in pretty much 100% of cases

Anonymous 14387

This is a fake graph that has been circulating on 4chan for years.
The actual study proves no such thing, nor does it present its data in that way, there was absolutely no talk about the actual age of depicted women/children. (you can google it since its name is literally on the pic)

The study was looking at 4 different types of erotic content (audiotapes); adult consent, child consent, child rape and child assult and the order of desiribility was as stated. It did however show that 26% of participants experienced the same or higher arousal for child content as opposed to adult content.

As for my conclusion, people get aroused to sexual content period. There is data that some straight men get aroused from gay porn, people get aroused from videos of animals having sex, they get aroused from the idea of inanimate objects being sexualized. Im not sure this necessarily proves nor does it disprove that men are pedos.

Anonymous 14389

Also, forgot to add, same goes for women. There was a study where they showed people, men and women, heterosexual and homosexual, videos of bonobo chimpanzees having sex and all groups experinenced genital arousal. Both female groups experienced higher arousal to female chimps too.

So yeah, doubt that means that people are zoophiles either.

Also, the preparation theory is an interesting explanation.

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