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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 5349

I don’t like men
I just have a penis fetish

Anonymous 5364

I considered dating trans women for this reason but it feels wrong, and if she transitions I'd have to dump her.

Anonymous 5371

Too much testosterone in the blood anyway.
Your only option is a submissive trans woman who doesn't want to remove the thing.

Anonymous 5378

I could get a strap-on
Or do you mean oral?

Anonymous 5385

I like penises when they are attached to a man. But that’s the only attractive thing I find in males. In fact I don’t think I find anything else attractive at all, only penises. The smell, the shape, how they feel in the hand, etc

Anonymous 5389

Would you be willing to date a "viado"?

Anonymous 5390

This is honestly interesting, what do you associate with penises that turns you on? The trait that it must be attached to a "man" and not just be a disassociated dick is interesting as well.

Anonymous 5401

I don’t know, it just feels wrong if the penis is attached to something else or not attached at all, somehow I lose the attraction that way.

Anonymous 5402

I don't really get it. It's like saying "I only love apples in strudel but I fucking hate strudel". So what exactly is your fetish?

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